
Library for converting Qt QKeyEvent to platform-independent keycodes (compatible with DOM `KeyboardEvent.code`).

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION



Library for converting from QKeyEvent to platform-independent keycodes (compatible with DOM KeyboardEvent.code).


Qt 5 does not offer a platform-independent way to link QKeyEvent instances to the keyboard key that created them. This is useful for games, WASD keyboard controls, and note entry in music applications.

QKeyEvent::key() is dependent on keyboard layout and whether Shift is being pressed; the key-down and key-up events may have different key() values! QKeyEvent::nativeScanCode() and nativeVirtualKey() have different meanings on different operating systems.

There have been multiple Qt Forum threads over the past several years (2015) (2018) (2020) (2020) where people attempt to obtain physical keys from QKeyEvent events. Citra 3DS emulator uses QKeyEvent::key() for game input, and is keyboard-layout-dependent. Among music programs, Polyphone SF2 editor and BambooTracker treat the computer keyboard keys as a piano keyboard, use QKeyEvent::key() to identify key presses, and produce stuck notes if you press Shift after you press a number key (since the key-up event has a different key from the key-down).

QtWebEngine attempts to translate from Qt QKeyEvent to DOM KeyboardEvent, including extracting a platform-independent keycode from QKeyEvent. Unfortunately, this code has many bugs. I based qkeycode off of QtWebEngine and fixed most input bugs (except for some resulting from underlying Qt bugs).


qkeycode is built using CMake, but should be fairly easy to adapt to other build systems. It can be placed directly into a CMake project and imported using add_subdirectory(qkeycode), which creates a qkeycode target. I don't know how to write a find_package() script, but am accepting contributions.

The project layout is approximately compatible with the new dds C++ build system / dependency manager, but I'm not sure if that build system supports Qt dependencies.

qkeycode depends on C++17 for std::optional. I may possibly accept pull requests to remove this dependency, especially if you're trying to upstream my changes to QtWebEngine.


Converting a QKeyEvent to a keycode, then printing the name:

#include <qkeycode/qkeycode.h>

void MyWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event) {
    qkeycode::KeyCode dom_code = qkeycode::toKeycode(event);
        "KeyPress {}=\"{}\"",

qkeycode/qkeycode.h forward-declares qkeycode::KeyCode to possibly reduce build times. The naming scheme is a bit inconsistent because Chromium calls this type DomCode rather than KeyCode. qkeycode::KeycodeConverter is taken directly from Chromium source code, and you should look at <include/qkeycode/chromium/keycode_converter.h> for function signatures.

If you find any bugs where keypresses aren't detected properly (toKeycode() returns KeyCode::NONE), file an issue with the reproduction steps and contents of the QKeyEvent! This library is designed to return NONE if it can't determine the right keycode, instead of faking one based on QKeyEvent::key() like QtWebEngine does.

Obtaining the list of keycodes, and hard-coding a key's value:

#include <qkeycode/values.h>

qkeycode::KeyCode get_key() {
    return qkeycode::KeyCode::US_Z;

Note that qkeycode/values.h uses macros to declare an enum with uppercase values (like COMMA), so you shouldn't #define COMMA , in a header file prior to including qkeycode/values.h.

QtWebEngine and qkeycode behavior/issues

I wrote about this in a separate document. The only remaining notable issues are all modifiers being registered as left keys on Mac, and dead keys being delayed on Windows.

I hope that my changes to QtWebEngine's code can be upstreamed to web_event_factory.cpp WebEventFactory::toWebKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent *ev) and nativeKeyCodeForKeyEvent(const QKeyEvent *ev). I don't know if they'll accept my approach of returning a missing dom_code as-is, not synthesizing one from windows_key_code.


This library would not be possible without QtWebEngine and Chromium.


You can ask questions in the Issues section, or in Gitter chat. Pull requests are accepted. I'm not using a code formatter or CI yet.


Because this library includes code from QtWebEngine, it can be used under LGPL v3 or GPL v2+ (like Qt itself), but not more permissive licenses. Details are in the LICENSE file.