




  • Creates a new hike.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json.
  • Request body: a JSON object containing title, length_kms, expected_mins, ascendent_meters, difficulty, province, city, gpx, end_point, start_point, and an array of reference points (empty if no reference points)
            "title": "ROCCIAMELONE",
            "length_kms": 9,
            "expected_mins": 420,
            "ascendent_meters": 3538,
            "difficulty": "Professional Hiker",
            "province": "TO",
            "city": "Mompantero",
            "gpx": "gpx content",
            "end_point" : {
                            "latitude" : "",
                            "longitude" : "",
                            "altitude" : "",
                            "name" : "", (if present)
                            "address" : "" (if present)
            "start_point" : {
                            "latitude" : "",
                            "longitude" : "",
                            "altitude" : "",
                            "name" : "", (if present)
                            "address" : "" (if present)
            "reference_points" : [{
                            "latitude" : "",
                            "longitude" : "",
                            "altitude" : "",
                            "name" : "", (if present)
                            "address" : "" (if present)
                            "latitude" : "",
                            "longitude" : "",
                            "altitude" : "",
                            "name" : "", (if present)
                            "address" : "" (if present)
                        }, ... ] if no reference points the array will be empty []
  • Response header: 201 Created (success).
  • Response body: none.
  • Permissions allowed: Local Guide
  • Error responses: 401 Unauthorized (not logged in or wrong permissions), 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation of request body failed), 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).



  • Modify start point of an hike.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json and req.params.hikeId to retrieve id.
  • Request body: a JSON object containing start_point, type_start
            "start_point": 15
            "type_start": 'Parking point'
  • Response header: 200 Ok (success).
  • Response body: none.
  • Permissions allowed: Local Guide
  • Error responses: 401 Unauthorized (not logged in or wrong permissions), 404 Not found (Hike not existing), 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation of request body failed), 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).


  • Modify end point of an hike.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json and req.params.hikeId to retrieve id.
  • Request body: a JSON object containing end_point, type_end
            "end_point": 15
            "type_end": 'Parking point'
  • Response header: 200 Ok (success).
  • Response body: none.
  • Permissions allowed: Local Guide
  • Error responses: 401 Unauthorized (not logged in or wrong permissions), 404 Not found (Hike not existing), 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation of request body failed), 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).



  • Returns a list with all hikes.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json.
  • Request body: none.
  • Response
  • Response header: 200 Ok (success).
  • Response body: : a JSON object containing an array with all hikes generics details
                "id": 1,
                "title": "ROCCIAMELONE",
                "length_kms": 9,
                "expected_mins": 420,
                "ascendent_meters": 3538,
                "difficulty": "Professional Hiker",
                "province": "TO",
                "city": "Mompantero",
                "gpx": "gpx content",
                "lg_id": 1,
                "end_point_type": "point",
                "end_point": 2,
                "start_point_type": "parking_lot",
                "start_point": 1
                "id": 2,
                "title": "Salita al Monte Antoroto",
                "length_kms": 17,
                "expected_mins": 444,
                "ascendent_meters": 31090,
                "difficulty": "Professional Hiker",
                "province": "CN",
                "city": "Garessio",
                "gpx": "gpx content",
                "lg_id": 1,
                "end_point_type": "parking_lot",
                "end_point": 3,
                "start_point_type": "hut",
                "start_point": 1
  • Permissions allowed: All users and visitors.
  • Error responses: 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).



  • Returns a list with all hikes.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json.
  • Request body: none.
  • Response
  • Response header: 200 Ok (success).
  • Response body: : a JSON object containing all details for a specific hike, including start points details,end point details and three arrays with all huts, paking lots ang generic points details.
              "id": 1,
              "title": "ROCCIAMELONE",
              "length_kms": 9,
              "expected_mins": 420,
              "ascendent_meters": 3538,
              "difficulty": "Professional Hiker",
              "province": "TO",
              "city": "Mompantero",
              "gpx": "gpx content",
              "lg_id": 1,
              "end_point_type": "point"
                             "id": 2,
                             "latitude" : "",
                             "longitude" : "",
                             "altitude" : "",
                             "name" : "", (if present)
                             "address" : "" (if present)
              "start_point_type": "parking_lot",
              "start_point" : {
                                  "id": 1,
                                  "latitude" : "",
                                  "longitude" : "",
                                  "altitude" : "",
                                  "name" : "", 
               "huts": [
                      "id": 4,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "", 
                      "id": 5,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "", 
               "parking_lots": [
                      "id": 3,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "",
                      "id": 5,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "",
               "points": [
                      "id": 1,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "", (if present)
                      "address" : "" (if present)
                      "id": 2,
                      "latitude" : "",
                      "longitude" : "",
                      "altitude" : "",
                      "name" : "", (if present)
                      "address" : "" (if present)
  • Permissions allowed: All users and visitors.
  • Error responses: 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).



  • Returns the preferences set by an hiker.
  • Request header has a line: Content-Type: application/json.
  • Request body: none.
  • Response
  • Response header: 200 Ok (success).
  • Response body: : a JSON object containing all preferences for a specific hiker.
              "user_id": 4,
              "max_length_kms": 200,
              "min_length_kms": 110,
              "max_expected_mins": 200,
              "min_expected_mins": 100,
              "max_ascendent_meters": 120,
              "min_ascendent_meters": 100,
              "max_difficulty": "Hiker",
              "min_difficulty": "Hiker",
              "point_latitude": "44.21736",
              "point_longitude": "7.94432",
              "radius": 10,
              "region": "Piemonte",
              "province": "CN",
              "city": "Garessio"
  • Permissions allowed: All hikers.
  • Error responses: 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

POST /api/register

  • Registers a new user

  • POST http://localhost:3001/api/register HTTP/1.1

  • Request header has the line: Content-Type: application/json

  • Request body is an object containing name, surname, role, password, email and phone number with the following structure

    "name": "Mattia",
    "surname": "Scamuzzi",
    "role": "local guide",
    "password": "delpiero10",
    "email": "mattiascamuzzi@gmail.com",
    "phone_number": "2456482685"
  • BEWARE: all field are mandatory!!

  • Response status:

    • 201 Created (Success)
    • 400 Bad Request (if a field is missing or a constraint is broken, e.g. user already registered, email format not correct, ...)
    • 500 Internal Server Error (if for some reason the database is unreachable)

    POST /api/hut

  • Insert a new hut

  • POST http://localhost:3001/api/register HTTP/1.1

  • Request header has the line: Content-Type: application/json

  • Request body is an object containing name, latitude, longitude, altitude,type, region, province, city, number_of_beds, description with the following structure

    "name": "HutTest",
    "latitude": "45.08765",
    "longitude": "11.65422",
    "altitude": "120",
    "type": "Refugee",
    "region": "Piemonte",
    "province": "TO",
    "city": "Torino",
    "number_of_beds": 30,
    "phone" : 22 ,
    "email": "HutTest@gmail.com"
    "description": "Huttest description"
  • BEWARE: all field are mandatory!!
  • Permissions allowed: Only local guides.
  • Response status:
    • 201 Created (Success)
    • 503 Service Unavailable (generic error)