
Import user data from CSV files

Primary LanguageRuby


Import contacts data from CSV Files
Project Requirements:

ruby 2.5.7, PostgreSQL

How to run this project locally:
  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run bundle install command: bundle install
  3. Setup postgres database connection using this file: config/database.yml
  4. Setup active-storage - AWS S3 credentials using this file: config/storage.yml
  5. Create and migrate the database
  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate
  1. Run server server using: rails s
Some useful commands/links:
Libraries/Frameworks Used:
  • devise Used for authentication.
  • bootstrap Open-source toolkit for Frontend development.
  • aws-sdk-s3 AWS SDK for Ruby, used for store CSV files on S3.
  • kaminari Gem used for pagination.
  • activerecord-import A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.
  • aasm State machines for Ruby classes