

Primary LanguageVim script

# Install vim-nox and ack-grep

- sudo apt-get install vim-nox ack-grep

# Make a symlink in home to vimrc

- cd to ~/
- ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc

# Install Vundle

Is a git submodule, to install run:

- cd to ~/.vim
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- mkdir bundle
- move vundle bundle/vundle
- vim +BundleInstall +qall

# Add plugins in option/vundle.vim


# Configurations

- Leader key is ','

# Shortcuts

',+nt' > NERDTreeToggle
',+/' > silent nohlsearch
',+e' > open file name auto complete

'ctrl+p' > find and open files (in VIEW mode)
'ctrl+p' > show autocomplete (in INSERT mode)