
Problem with mesh formation

riyasamanta1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Dear Marco,

I am having trouble with mesh formation in the following case:
I defined vertices and faces as

from vedo import *
vertex1= [[20.165351301876292, 25.433206598390367, 29.001039195591158],
[20.319605595457183, 26.064057455977895, 29.276198284597754],
[20.338052344747567, 26.59245368301082, 28.952901345159738],
[20.36234396102982, 26.570421819406484, 28.174133220199224],
[20.13659079358421, 25.342152416608357, 28.303333678937616],
[21.40726255043923, 25.35117298427937, 28.45945129210112],
[21.633143775524754, 25.800510065270142, 28.60861032920767],
[21.55747909721729, 26.187666999951748, 28.42592219531396],
[21.124772757387735, 26.31987504344156, 27.87037725184502],
[20.969842986437527, 25.285359184466447, 27.945412592667175]]

faces1 = [[0, 1, 2, 3],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 5, 0, 4],
[8, 9, 4, 3],
[8, 7, 2, 3],
[7, 6, 1, 2],
[5, 6, 1, 0],
[0, 3, 4],
[5, 8, 9]]

mesh1 = Mesh(vertex1,mesh1)

This is throwing off error:
[vedo.mesh] ERROR: input must be a list of max 4 elements.

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[79], line 1
----> 1 Mesh(vertex1,faces1)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/for_sims/lib/python3.12/site-packages/vedo/, in Mesh.init(self, inputobj, c, alpha)
85 else:
86 vedo.logger.error("input must be a list of max 4 elements.")
---> 87 raise ValueError()
89 elif isinstance(inputobj, vtki.vtkActor):
90 self.dataset.DeepCopy(inputobj.GetMapper().GetInput())


I defined them like before, so I wonder why they do not work for this polyhedron. I would appreciate any help!
Thank you!