- adam-urbanczyk
- aromanroInvictus Wings SRL
- atashfeshanin the hearts
- batxesBerlin
- bernard-girouxInstitut national de la recherche scientifique
- ByronBayWaldshut, Germany
- csuffyyShenzhen, China
- dgiunchiUCL
- eamonustcEarth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
- flutefreak7
- gattiaNeuralSeg
- giodaHospital del Mar Research Institute
- Gutsu7
- hadimValence Labs
- HaochengLIUTwosigma
- hzyjerryUC Berkeley
- jkuleszaLos Alamos National Laboratory
- jonasteuwen@NKI-AI
- jzq6520
- marcomusyEMBL
- marcosmrs25Pará, Brazil.
- martijnkoopman
- myousefi2016Clemson University
- nicoguaroUniversidad EAFIT
- opengeostatOpengeostat Consulting
- orbingolSan Francisco Bay Area, CA
- pieperIsomics, Inc.
- RealPolitiXSan Francisco, California, USA
- sarithsTechnische Universität Kaiserslautern
- SergioRAgostinho@NVIDIA
- shukobFunnelSphere Inc. / Univ. of Tokyo
- SteveDoyle2Open to work
- symphoton
- the7winds
- themantalopeChicago, IL
- victorsndvgSantiago de Compostela