
Hello World Webserver in Go

Primary LanguageSmarty

Simple Go Web-Server with helm chart

Local testing with k3d

K3d creates a fully functional local kubernets cluster. Simply install https://k3d.io/ and you are good to go with k3d cluster create.

Expose the ingress

If you want to use the ingress to expose services, which this example does, you need to activate it. Detailed info: https://k3d.io/v5.4.6/usage/exposing_services/

k3d cluster create -p "8081:80@loadbalancer"

Installation of the helm chart

helm upgrade hello-world-go-web hello-world-go-web -i --set imageCredentials.username="${GHCR_IO_USERNAME}" --set imageCredentials.password="${GHCR_IO_PASSWORD}"

Simple test run

curl localhost:8081/factorial

100 Parallel calls to make the cpus burn

for i in {1..100}; do curl "http://localhost:8081/factorial" & done; wait