
Simple Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaler Example

Keda Redis Demo

Layout of the Demo

This Demo repository shows how to automatically Scale Kubernetes Pods based on the Redis Queue length. The Project can automatically bootstrap the K3d cluster with Flux.

Cluster Bootstrap

On a high level you need to provide a Github token with the following scopes: repo_status, public_repo. You can find the management dialog here. This token is used by the flux operator to connect to the git repository and roll-out the desired cluster state based on this repository.

1. Create K3d cluster that exposes a http ingress

k3d cluster create

This might take some time.

2. Switch kubectl to K3d context & inspect cluster-info

kubectl config use-context k3d-k3s-default
kubectl cluster-info

3. Install Flux components with flux bootstrap:

  GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> GITHUB_USER=<username> flux bootstrap github \
  --owner=<username-of-the-repo-owner> \
  --repository=keda-demo \
  --private=false \
  --personal=true \
  --branch=main \

4. Check the progress of the deployment

kubectl get Kustomization -n flux-system -w