
This python code is intended to be used within a tekton task. Check out the implementation atcodecentric/tekton-catalog/tree/main/task/gitlab-set-environment/0.1. The code can be configured using environment variables which are listed below.

Environment Parameters

Environment Key Description
GITLAB_HOST_URL Full URL to the gitlab instance e.g. https://gitlab.marco-paga.eu
REPO_FULL_NAME group-name/project-name
GITLAB_TOKEN The access token for the gitlab instance (currently on PAT supported here)
ENVIRONMENT_NAME The short name of the environment. This could be simply the branch name
ENVIRONMENT_URL Full URL to the environment that can be navigated. e.g. https://feature-branch.dev.marco-paga.eu


This task uses python-gitlab to connect to the gitlab api and run the intended actions. The code is placed in the main.py and versions are managed by Pipfile.

Renovate is active for this repository and keeps the versions updated.