
Skill Matrix project based on Hasura & ForrestJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repo hosts a fully automated development environment that can run on any computer, as well as in the Cloud thanks to GitPod or GitHub Codespaces.


  • Low-code backend offered by Hasura Engine
  • Multi-database migrations & data-seeding via Hasura CLI
  • Multi-database SQL Unit Tests via PG Tap
  • NodeJS micro-services (fully Dockerized)
  • Unit Tests and End-to-End tests by Jest
  • ReactJS frontend (fully Dockerized)

👉 It's Just a Boilerplate 👈

Clone it, then do with this project whatever your mind can think of!

How to Run the Project

The following commands have been tested on Mac and Linux.

Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:marcopeg/skill-matrix.git && cd skill-matrix

Use the Make interface:

make start

Or run it via Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

👉 Else you can enjoy a Cloud-Based Automated Workspace and run it on GitPod.io:

Open in GitPod


This project rotates around Postgres and Hasura Engine.

Hasura provides a CRUD interface towards Postgres (and other dbms) but lacks the ability to perform business logic.

Although a lot of business logic can be carried out on the DB by running Server Side SQL Functions, you may also need to run stuff in languages such as NodeJS or Java.

👉 The classic Backend 👈

In this project, I have created 3 NodeJS services that extends Hasura's capabilities using its 3 possible methods:

Hasura Events

It's a NodeJS service based on ForrestJS and Fastify that offers REST APIs for the implementation of Hasura Event Triggers.

Please extend this App with all the Event Triggers that you may need to fulfill your after-write business logic.

Hasura Actions

It's a NodeJS service based on ForrestJS and Fastify that offers REST APIs for the implementation of Hasura Actions.

Please extend this App with all the Actions that you may need to implement custom business logic that should be proxied through Hasura's API.


It's a NodeJS service based on ForrestJS and Apollo Server that offers a custom GraphQL API. Hasura uses this API via Remote Schemas.

Please extend this App if you want to play with a fully custom GraphQL Server. But honestly, I believe that Actions are a better implementation of the same goal.

JWT Tokens Authentication

In this project we use the Hasura JWT Authentication method and we implement 3 roles:

  • backend
  • backoffice
  • survey

👉 Some default tokens are hard-coded as project's default Environmental Variables, and also in the frontend apps, as so to provide an easy and immediate development experience.

It's just a boilerplate.

Backend Role

This JWT is provided to the Backend Services and allows them to query Hasura on behalf of any user.

🔥 A token like this is quite powerful and dangerous, the Backend Service should generate short-living tokens and rotate them as much as possibile in order to maximize security.

Shape of the token:

  "https://hasura.io/jwt/claims": {
    "x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["backend"],
    "x-hasura-default-role": "backend"

Backoffice Role

This JWT is used as login to the Backoffice App and make super-user changes to the system.

The variable x-hasura-admin-id should be used for logging any backoffice activity by any authenticated administrator.

🔥 A token like this is quite powerful and dangerous, any Backoffice sessions should be short-lived (5 minutes?) and traced to an Admin itentity.

👉 Also, Backoffice Apps should be restricted to explicit Actions or Remote Schemas where custom business logic is being used to make sure adequate application logging is performed.

Shape of the token:

  "https://hasura.io/jwt/claims": {
    "x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["backoffice"],
    "x-hasura-default-role": "backoffice",
    "x-hasura-admin-id": "xxx"

Survey Role

This JWT is released to a specific user in association with the invite to fill a specific survey for the Skill Matrix app.

This is the most specific of the JWTs that we are going to use in this app, and it should provide a very targeted write-only access to the database.

👉 The Authentication Authority that releases this token should take care of syncronizing the token's nbf and exp to the Survey's open_since and open_until timestamps.

Shape of the token:

  "https://hasura.io/jwt/claims": {
    "x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["form"],
    "x-hasura-default-role": "form",
    "x-hasura-survey-id": "xxx",
    "x-hasura-user-id": "xxx"

SQL Unit Tests

Inside hasura-migrations there is a Makefile that helps running SQL Unit Tests written in PGTap.

Setup the Test Database

The unit tests target a dedicated database that ships as a Docker container. Also, the unit test runner container needs to build before it can execute the tests.

make test-sql-start

Once you are done testing, run:

make test-sql-stop

Run the Tests

A test run will build an entire Hasura's migration project, and then run the relative tests.

Each project is identified by a name, which corresponds to the subfolder that groups migrations:

  • hasura-migrations
    • migrations/{project-name}/123_migration-name/up.sql
    • tests/{project-name}/foobar.test.sql
make test-sql project=foo

👉 Omit the project param to execute the default project

More Actions Available

Please take a look at hasura-migrations/Makefile for more scripts and SQL Unit Testing utilites.

If you need inspiration for SQL Unit Testing, take a look at Amazing Postgres project.