Visualizing Data Based on College Majors

This project analyzes the job outcomes of students who graduated from college between 2010 and 2012. The dataset can be found here.

Each row represents a different major and contains information on gender diversity, employment rates, median salaries, and more. Here is a description of the dataset:

  • Rank - Rank by median earnings (dataset is order by this column
  • Major_code - A unique code for each major
  • Major - Major's description
  • Major_category - Category of the major
  • Total - Total number of people with this major
  • Sample_size - Unweighted sample size of full-time students
  • Men - Number of male graduates
  • Women - Number of female graduates
  • Sharewomen - Share of female graduates
  • Employed - Number of employed graduates
  • Median - Median salary of full-time workers
  • Low_wage_jobs - Graduates in low-wage service jobs
  • Full_time - Number of graduates employed 35h or more
  • Part_time - Number of graduates employed less than 35h

Objective: The objective is to visualize different parts of the data based on the college major.

Techniques used:

  • Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib
  • Scatter plot, histograms, bar plots, scatter matrix plots
  • Grouped bar plot
  • Box plot
  • Hexagonal bin plot