
Machine Learning Project 5

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Predicting Which Passenger Survived the Titanic

This project is probably the rite of passage for everyone getting into data science. I never really enjoyed the movie, but the door could totally fit both Rose and Jack.

This project is binary classification problem, where the passenger either survived (1) or died (0). Here is a list of the columns of the dataset:

  • PassengerID - Unique ID for each column
  • Survived - Whether the passenger survived (1) or not (0)
  • Pclass - Class of the passenger's ticket. Either 1, 2 or 3.
  • Sex - Passenger's sex (male or female)
  • Age - Passenger's age
  • Sibsp - Number of sibling or spouses aboard the Titanic
  • Parch - Number of parents or children aboard the Titanic
  • Ticket - Passenger's ticket number
  • Fare - The price paid for the passenger's ticket
  • Cabin - Passenger's cabin number
  • Embarked - Port where the passenger embarked. Can be:
    • C - Cherbourg
    • Q - Queenstown
    • S - Southampton

Although we know exactly who survived the Titanic, the project is still useful to apply important concepts in data science and machine learning. So here it is!

Objective: Predict which passenger survived the Titanic (Jack died)

Techniques used:

  • Pandas, matplotlib, numpy
  • Scikit-learn
  • Logistic regression, cross-validation, k-nearest neighbours
  • Regular expressions
  • Heatmap
  • Recursive feature elimination
  • Hyperparameter optimization
  • Grid search
  • Random forest classifier