
Generate Scala code from a database schema. Highly extensible. Built for and tested with Quill.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Inkwell is a highly customisable code generator, which generates Scala case classes from a database schema. It is built for and tested with Quill, but can be potentially used in other cases.

What makes Inkwell special? Check this out:

  • It's highly customisable: Generate exactly the code you need. Inkwell is highly customisable. You can adjust every aspect of schema code generation with varying degrees of ease.
  • It's easy to use: Inkwell provides opinionated default implementations to help you get started quickly. You can pick and choose the components you need or write your own. It's also very easy to extend Inkwell's default implementations.
  • It's well documented: I know how frustrating bad documentation (or none at all!) can be, so I took my time to carefully document everything important. Just check out the source code! Is anything unclear? Go raise an issue!
  • It's open for more: I'd love to enrich Inkwell with your feedback, so get issue tracking!

The name Inkwell is a play on Quill. To write with a quill, you first need to dip it in ink. An inkwell is a quick and easy method of inking your quill consistently. Inkwell provides consistently up-to-date "ink" for Quill by generating all the classes you need to get started with your queries.



Add Inkwell to your project's library dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "app.wordpace" %% "inkwell" % "0.2.0"

Note that Inkwell works with scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type and typeOf, because ClassTag doesn't contain any information about type arguments. To use Type and typeOf, you may have to add the following dependency to your build:

libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value

Getting Started

Inkwell must be invoked from Scala code. There is no standalone executable or command line interface. Hence, you will need to set up a multi-project build in SBT with a main project and a code generation project, which your main project should depend on. Your Inkwell generator will be placed in the code generation project, but invoked as a code generation task in the settings of the main project. Check out Inkwell's own build.sbt as an example.

If you get a java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found exception, you may have to initialise your database driver manually:

// e.g. Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver")

Once you have set up the code generation framework, you need to configure and invoke the Inkwell code generator. A minimal setup with a FileGenerator looks like this:

val config: DefaultGeneratorConfiguration = new DefaultGeneratorConfiguration(
  DatabaseConfiguration(url, username, password),
  // Check your database's documentation for the default schema name. It is "public" in Postgres.
  sourceSchema = "public",
  // The src folder that all files get generated to.
  targetFolder = Paths.get(outputDir),
  // The base package of every generated file and conversely all case classes/objects.
  basePackage = "com.example.schema",
) { configSelf =>

new FileGenerator(config).generate()

And now you can start overriding. The following code samples would be placed between the curly brackets of the basic example above.

Let's say you want to ignore a table schema_version (used by Flyway):

override def ignoredTables: Set[String] = Set("schema_version")

Or maybe import some types:

override val imports: Set[Import] = Set(

Extend a case class generated from a table account:

override def inheritances: Inheritances = Inheritances(Map(
  "Account" -> Seq(typeOf[Identity]),

Map custom types. TypeReference.conversions allow you to create a type reference from a String or Type without any boilerplate code.

import TypeReference.conversions._

override def customTypes: Map[String, TypeReference] = Map(
  "my_enum_1" -> typeOf[MyEnum1],
  "my_enum_2" -> "com.example.enums.MyEnum2",

Generate an Id[A] type (e.g. id: Id[Account] for Account) for foreign key and primary key properties:

override def createProperty(column: Column, model: Model): Property = {
  new KeyAsIdProperty(column, model, this) {
    override protected def id(modelType: TypeReference): TypeReference = {
      NamedTypeReference("app.wordpace.backend.core.Id", Seq(modelType))

And of course you can just ******* generate some code:

override lazy val companionEmitter: CompanionEmitter = {
  new DefaultCompanionEmitter(this) {
    override protected def innerCode(model: Model): String = {
      s"""implicit val reads = Json.reads[${model.simpleName}]
         |implicit val writes = Json.writes[${model.simpleName}]
         |def tupled = (${model.simpleName}.apply _).tupled""".stripMargin

The options presented above are just a small subset of what you can do with Inkwell. The next section gives you an overview of Inkwell's concepts and components. When in doubt, read the source documentation and code. You'll find it quite approachable.

Concepts and Components

This is a high-level overview of the different kinds of concepts and components in Inkwell. For more in-depth information, please consult the linked source files.

  • A GeneratorConfiguration is used by Generator to get or create any kind of component set in the configuration. Thus, any component you want to extend or swap out should be overridden in GeneratorConfiguration, as has been done in the examples above.
  • JdbcModel is a direct representation for the data returned by JDBC. It is confined to SchemaReader and otherwise only used by TypeResolver.
  • SchemaModel is a friendly representation of the database schema. It is the output of the schema reader and used as the first intermediate representation of the schema.
  • CompilationUnit, Model and Property are representations of the specific parts of code that are emitted by Inkwell. A CompilationUnit collects all models to be emitted to the same file and the required imports, a Model represents one table that will be emitted to both a case class and potentially a companion object, and a Property represents a single property of a single case class.
    • KeyAsIdProperty sets dataType to an ID type for primary and foreign key columns. You have to build the type reference yourself, as seen in the example above where the id method is overridden.
  • A TypeReference points to the name and the type arguments of a type. While you should use ScalaTypeReference if possible, notably, types can also be represented by NamedTypeReference, i.e. by their full name and a list of TypeReference type arguments. Thus, you can generate types which do not yet exist at generator runtime. See the documentation of NamedTypeReference for an example.
  • An Import is either an "entity" import such as import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type or a "wildcard" import such as import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._. You can configure imports in GeneratorConfiguration.

All components have default implementations contained in the same file. We don't specifically list them here. However, we do list "advanced" components such as ImportSimplifyingTypeEmitter.

  • SchemaReader reads a database schema via JDBC into Inkwell's schema model. You probably don't want to override this. If the model is missing some information you need, create an issue.
  • TypeResolver maps a JdbcColumnMeta to a TypeReference. You can use type resolver to handle custom JDBC types.
  • NamingStrategy translates SQL names to Scala names. You can override this to affect generated type and property names.
  • SchemaSlicer distributes all models from the given ModelRepository to a set of compilation units. Notably, the schema slicer can be used to decide which model should become part of which file.
    • SingleUnitSchemaSlicer puts all models into one compilation unit.
    • PartitioningSchemaSlicer can be used to distribute models to different sub-packages based on your own configuration.
  • TypeEmitter turns type references into strings. The emitter can see which compilation unit a given type is in and use information from the unit (such as its package declaration).
    • ImportSimplifyingTypeEmitter simplifies full type names based on standard (e.g. scala.lang._) and configured imports.
  • CompilationUnitEmitter emits the code for a given compilation unit.
  • ModelEmitter emits a case class for a given Model.
  • CompanionEmitter emits a companion object for a given Model. The DefaultCompanionEmitter should be extended if you want to emit a companion object at all: Default companion objects are only emitted if their inner code is not empty.
  • PropertyEmitter emits a single property of a case class for a given Property.

State of the Project

Inkwell is in early stages. I have just started using it in my own projects. However, since it's a code generator, it's very easy to try it out (and rip it out if the need arises), so give it a go!

Inkwell has been tested with:

  • Databases – PostgreSQL 10
  • Libraries – Quill 3.1.0

You can help by testing whether Inkwell works with other databases.

Thanks to @deusaquilus and @olafurpg for prior work!



This version is a very extensive refactoring, as you can read below. This is the first step in my ongoing efforts to improve the design and structure of Inkwell.

  • Split Model and Property from their respective emitters, to separate the emitter from the additional data processing that can now be done with Model and Property. This is a much cleaner design, albeit a little bit more complex.
  • Split SchemaEmitter into, on the one hand, CompilationUnit and CompilationUnitEmitter, which hold info about each code unit and emit it, and SchemaSlicer, which distributes each model to a compilation unit. Previously, SchemaEmitter had both of these tasks, which became messy.
  • Allow TypeEmitter to access the CompilationUnit a given type should be emitted to, which can be used, for example, to glean the imports specific to said compilation unit.
  • Move Id-type resolution based on database keys from TypeEmitter to Property. There was previously a design oversight which meant that the Id type wasn't treated as a TypeReference.
  • DefaultCompilationUnitEmitter now sorts imports alphabetically by default.
0.1.1 (unpublished)
  • Fix missing imports for PartitioningSchemaEmitter. The emitter now automatically imports all other partitions (including the unpartitioned set), so that references to classes in other partitions can be made with a simple name.
  • Initial Release