
Automatically switch miner to the most profitable algorithm for Ethos.

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Automatically switch miner to the most profitable algorithm for Ethos.


Clone the repository to your ethos home directory /home/ethos.

$ git clone https://github.com/ajpsp5/ethos-auto-miner

Navigate into the /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner directory and run the installer

$ cd /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner && php install.php

The installer will clear any remote or local config files so make sure you save a copy of your configs.

After the install script finishes, set the cronjob. Run command:

$ crontab -e

Cron Schedule:

*/50 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/ethos-auto-miner.php > /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/output.log 2>&1

It is possible that ethos may throw the common error gpu clocks too low or gpu clock problem. If this happen, perform a hard reboot of your rig.

Default Configs and Settings

There are two default settings added for either AMD or Nivida rigs. If you have an AMD rig, you simple start with the AMD defaults

$ mv /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/_amd_algo-miners.json algo-miners.json && mv /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/_amd_config.json config.json

Config Usage

This is where you will set your wallet address and your rig name from ethos. Be sure to set your what-to-mine json address.

To generate the correct what-to-mine address, select GPU types, click calculate, then add .json to the url. Here's an example of a rig with 6 RX580 GPUs:


Config Example: /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/config.json

    "rigname"           : "0edcb9",
    "proxywallet"       : "16kcdsWD2h7YAdv9YGMyP9KCpcNEHE9zFM.Rig2",
    "whattomineurl"     : "http://whattomine.com/coins.json?utf8=%E2%9C%93&adapt_q_280x=0&adapt_q_380=0&adapt_q_fury=0&adapt_q_470=0&adapt_q_480=0&adapt_q_570=0&adapt_q_580=0&adapt_q_vega56=0&adapt_q_vega64=0&adapt_q_750Ti=0&adapt_q_1050Ti=0&adapt_q_10606=0&adapt_q_1070=4&adapt_1070=true&adapt_q_1070Ti=0&adapt_q_1080=1&adapt_1080=true&adapt_q_1080Ti=0&eth=true&factor%5Beth_hr%5D=143.3&factor%5Beth_p%5D=620.0&grof=true&factor%5Bgro_hr%5D=178.5&factor%5Bgro_p%5D=670.0&x11gf=true&factor%5Bx11g_hr%5D=59.5&factor%5Bx11g_p%5D=625.0&cn=true&factor%5Bcn_hr%5D=3100.0&factor%5Bcn_p%5D=500.0&cn7=true&factor%5Bcn7_hr%5D=3100.0&factor%5Bcn7_p%5D=500.0&eq=true&factor%5Beq_hr%5D=2270.0&factor%5Beq_p%5D=610.0&lre=true&factor%5Blrev2_hr%5D=188500.0&factor%5Blrev2_p%5D=670.0&ns=true&factor%5Bns_hr%5D=5060.0&factor%5Bns_p%5D=670.0&bk14=true&factor%5Bbk14_hr%5D=12900.0&factor%5Bbk14_p%5D=650.0&pas=true&factor%5Bpas_hr%5D=5050.0&factor%5Bpas_p%5D=630.0&skh=true&factor%5Bskh_hr%5D=146.5&factor%5Bskh_p%5D=630.0&n5=true&factor%5Bn5_hr%5D=234.0&factor%5Bn5_p%5D=670.0&factor%5Bl2z_hr%5D=420.0&factor%5Bl2z_p%5D=300.0&xn=true&factor%5Bxn_hr%5D=15.8&factor%5Bxn_p%5D=610.0&factor%5Bcost%5D=0.12&sort=Profitability24&volume=0&revenue=24h&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=abucoins&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=bitfinex&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=bittrex&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=binance&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=cryptopia&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=hitbtc&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=poloniex&factor%5Bexchanges%5D%5B%5D=yobit&dataset=&commit=Calculate",
    "statsfilepath"     : "/var/run/ethos/stats.file",
    "localconfigpath"   : "/home/ethos/local.conf",
    "default"       : { // Default Algorithm and Settings
        "algorithm"     : "equihash",
        "flags"         : "",
        "pool"          : "stratum+tcp://equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357",
        "autoreboot"    : "10",
        "stratumproxy"  : "nicehash",
        "attributes"    : {
            "cor"   : "+125 +125 +125 +125 +85",
            "mem"   : "+275 +275 +275 +275 +375",
            "pwr"   : "130 120 120 130 170",
            "fan"   : "50 50 50 50 75"
    "pools"         : { // Pools for each Algorithm Type
        "ethash"        : "stratum+tcp://daggerhashimoto.usa.nicehash.com:3353",
        "equihash"      : "stratum+tcp://equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357",
        "lyra2rev2"     : "stratum+tcp://lyra2rev2.usa.nicehash.com:3347",
        "neoscrypt"     : "stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.usa.nicehash.com:3341",
        "cryptonight"   : "stratum+tcp://cryptonight.usa.nicehash.com:3355",
        "cryptonightv7" : "stratum+tcp://cryptonightv7.usa.nicehash.com:3363"

Algorithm Settings

This where you can overclock settings based on the Algorithm type.

File Example: /home/ethos/ethos-auto-miner/algo-miners.json

    "cryptonightv7" : {
        "miner"         : "claymore-xmr",
        "flags"         : "-pow7 1",
        "attributes"    : {

    "cryptonight" : {
        "miner"         : "claymore-xmr",
        "flags"         : "-pow7 1"
    "ethash"        : {
        "miner"         : "claymore",
        "flags"         : "--cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200",
        "attributes"    : { // Attributes can use any rig specific Ethos Config setting
            "cor"   : "2000 2000 1200 1200 1200 1200",
            "mem"   : "2200 2250 2250 2000 2250 2000",
            "pwr"   : "5 5 5 5 5 5"
    "equihash"      : {
        "miner" : "ewbf-zcash",
        "flags" : ""
    "lyra2rev2"     : {
        "miner" : "ccminer",
        "flags" : "-a lyra2v2"
    "neoscrypt"     : {
        "miner" : "ccminer",
        "flags" : "-a neoscrypt"


If you should find any bugs or need any enhancements please open a Github issue. I will try to get to it as soon as I can. Happy Mining Guys!


Your rig will donate one hour a day of mining time, roughly $0.15/day, towards improving the program and towards a free mobile app project under way for monintoring your Ethos rig. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions please submit a Github issue.

Here's my wallet, Buy me a Beer 😊

BTC: 16kcdsWD2h7YAdv9YGMyP9KCpcNEHE9zFM

ETH: 0xF1fEf7f9E5bD3386F04ae0De1546a8f16690F0c4