
Small view library for learning purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

View library

Library built for learning purposes in order to better understand component based approach to developing single-page apps.

Since I'm using React at my job I wanted to gain some deeper understanding for how potentially view library could work based on React's API. This is just built based on assumptions and not actual React's implementation with DOM diffing, lifecycle hooks and other, to me still, magical stuff.

Instead of using JSX or separete templating engine every component has html method which receives template as string and returns DocumentFragment or if it's child component it would return interpolated HTML as a string to parent component.

Embedding other components into render is done by static method on class Component create, it receives child class as first, and props which are passed to instance of that component as second parameter.

In order to get DOM with real values as DocumentFragment there is another static method on Component class called root which accepts exactly same arguments as before mentioned static method create.

To add event listeners you need to define addEvents method on class that extends Component. This method will be called internally and it should return object with keys as <element>::[type] and callback function as value.


addEvents() {
  return {
    '<li>::click': (event) => {

To make component re-render with new state one would use setState method which accepts callback in which previous state is passed as argument and return value of that callback will be set as new state and component will update.


removeElement(id) {
  this.setState(prevState => ({
    items: prevState.items.filter(item => item.id !== id);

Iterating over a collection of arbitrary values is as easy as using JavaScript's map higher order function. To display those generated components you'd use static method named nodes which accepts an array of components as argument.


class TodoTask extends Component {
  render(state, props) {
    return this.html(`
      <li data-key=${props.id}>${props.value}</li>

class Todo extends Component {
  state = {
    tasks: [
      { id: 1, task: "Learn JavaScript" }, 
      { id: 2, task: "Learn Data Structures and Algorithms" },
      { id: 3, task: "Learn Test-Driven Developemnt" }

  render(state, props) {
    const list = state.items
      .map(itemProps => Component.create(Todo, itemProps)); 

    return this.html(`