- 1
- 0
User-contributed notes per method/class/module
#90 opened by marcoroth - 3
Generate docsets for Dash
#21 opened by marcoroth - 2
Improve README content rendering and styles
#5 opened by marcoroth - 0
Support superclasses with any expression
#43 opened by marcoroth - 2
Cheatsheets for any gem
#22 opened by marcoroth - 0
Nested classes are ignored
#13 opened by marcoroth - 0
- 1
Use `gems` gem
#2 opened by marcoroth - 1
Setup error and performance monitoring
#4 opened by marcoroth - 0
Annotate method visibility
#11 opened by marcoroth - 0
- 0
Detect alias definitions
#9 opened by marcoroth - 1
Show gem groups/extensions/plugins
#8 opened by marcoroth - 0
- 0
Rework landing page
#3 opened by marcoroth - 2
XSS in Readme
#1 opened by gregmolnar