Main model - encapsulates any book stored in the DB. Fields:
- Title (not null) - the title of the book. Must be unique in the DB (i. e. no book can exist twice)
- Sort Title: Automatically generated from the title (lowercased and leading articles removed). Must also not be null
- slug: The slug to use in the books URL
- Original title: If the book was originally published in another language
- Year: The publishing year of a book (integer)
- Rating: An integer, used as an ENUM: not rated (0), hated (1), bad (2), ok (3), good (4), favourite (5)
- Condition: The physical condition of the book, used as an ENUM: not given (0), damaged (1), used_bad (2), used (3), used_ok (4), like_new (5)
- Edition: Free text string - first, second edition, etc etc.
This application is setup using Ruby v 3.1.2
The following Gems are used in this project:
- For active-storage, image_processing {} is used
- for easy going back to previous pages, backpedal {}
- to display URLs like /books/hobbit instead of /books/3, friendly_id {}
- pagy to paginate big collections {}
- For formatting and linting, solargraph {}, solargraph-rails {}, rubocop {}, rubocop-rails {} and rubocop-performance {} are included.
- Annotate {} is used to auto-annotate models and routes
- Yard {} is used for documentation
- Rails-ERD {} is used to draw the entity relationship diagrams as a PDF
- Bullet {} is used to detect N+1 issues.
- Reek {} to detect code smells
- Database consistency checker {} is used to validate database constraints vs validations
- Faker {} to quickly generate data
- Factory Bot {} to easily generate test data
- Better_errors (and dependency binding_of_caller) for nicer error messages {}
- CSS is processed using cssbundling-rails {}
- Javascript is processed using jsbundling-rails {}
- RequestJS-rails to improve JS/Rails interaction {}
### JS Packages
The following packages have to be added via yarn:
- dropzone (for uploading images interactively) {}
- noty (for nice animated notifications) {}
- sweetalert2 to replace the boring browser dialogs {}
Check package.json for all dependencies that were added.
RSpec is used for writing tests (using the rspec-rails gem {}) RSpec is enhanced with Rails-controller-testing {} Using Simplecov to analyze code coverage ({})
This project is partially based on normalize.css {}