SharpDB is C# based High Performance Key Value NoSQL Database with ACID Transaction. SharpDB is using Multiversion concurrency control to achieve transactions. Because of using MVCC SharpDB is very fast in doing transaction (the downside is that SharpDB using a lof of space).
For network protocl SharpDB is using NetMQ which is C# port of ZeroMQ, which means SharpDB is using very fast on the network as well.
Packages of SharpDB is still not available, so download the code code and compile.
After compiling run the following command to run the server:
SharpDB.Server.exe run -name:test -port:5555
You can change the name and port fields as you like. File called name.sdb will be created as the database file.
You can also run the database as a service with the following commands (must run as administrator)
SharpDB.Server.exe install -name:test -port:5555
SharpDB.Server.exe start
To use SharpDB from your application include the SharpDB.Driver assembly. Following is small example of using the SharpDB driver:
public void UpdateGet()
using (SharpDBClient client = new SharpDBClient("tcp://"))
using (SharpDBConnection connection = client.GetConnection())
Account newAccount = new Account();
newAccount.Name = "Hello";
newAccount.Id = 1;
Account storedAccount = connection.Get<Account>(1);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello", storedAccount.Name);
and the account class:
public class Account
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I really appricate help with the project, just click the fork button, pick an issue from the issues (or add your own issue) and create a pull request. If you will send some good pull request you will commit permission to the repository.
Who owns SharpDB?
SharpDB is owned by all its authors and contributors. This is an open source project licensed under the LGPLv3.