
NodeJs, React, React Native project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Happy Logo

Technologies   |    Project   |    How to run   |    Get in touch

PRs welcome! License


🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

💻 Project

Happy is an application that connects people to institutional care homes to make many children's day happier 💜

ℹ️ How to run

  • Requirementss

    • You need to have Node.js installed in your machine
    • You need to have Git installed and configured in your machine
    • Also, you need a package manager Yarn or NPM.
    • Lastly, is essential to have Expo installed globally in your machine
  1. Clone the repository:
  $ git clone https://github.com/marcosTenorio/happy.git
  1. Running the application:
  # API
  $ cd server
  # Install the dependencies
  $ yarn install
  # Configure the database and create the tables
  $ yarn knex:migrate # or npm run knex:migrate

  # Run the API
  $ yarn start

  # Web Application
  $ cd web
  # Install the dependencies
  $ yarn install
  # Run web app
  $ yarn start

  # Mobile App
  $ cd mobile
  # Install the dependencies
  $ yarn install
  # Run mobile app
  $ yarn start

In order to run the application in your device, you need to change the ip config. api.ts

baseURL: '',

replace with your machine's ip. Now with everything on place, run the application.

# to run the app
$ npm start

Expo will open a page in your browser, scan the QRcode in the page and wait the app to load.

📬 Get in touch!

Linkedin - Marcos Tenorio     Email - Marcos Tenorio

Made with ☕ and ❤️ by Marcos Tenorio.