
📑 Codeigniter with CKEDITOR and KCFINDER

Primary LanguagePHP

Codeigniter 3 with Ckeditor & KCFinder

Codeigniter with CKEDITOR and KCFINDER using session for authenctication


Download Codeigniter , CKEDITOR , KCFINDER master file

Put CKEDITOR , KCFINDER in your Codeigniter files. For the example, i create assets directory.

Config 1

open your index.php CI file on root directory and modify some line

$application_folder = 'application';


$application_folder = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'application';

and another line

$system_path = 'system';


$system_path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'system';

Config 2

give authentication to access kcfinder for security. i use session for this. open kcfinder->conf directory and open config.php

and then get session from CI with this code ( i set session with named upload_image_file_manager to access filemanager )

$CI =& get_instance();
if(@$_SESSION['upload_image_file_manager'] == TRUE){
	$codeigniterAuth = true;
} else {
	$codeigniterAuth = false;

modify general setting from kcfinder like this

'disabled' => $codeigniterAuth,

so we can conclude that we must have session named upload_image_file_manager to access kcfinder

Config 4

and to using ckeditor & kcfinder we can include the ckeditor.js

<script src="<?php echo base_url('assets/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); ?>"></script>

and replace filebrowserImageBrowseUrl

 CKEDITOR.replace('editor1' ,{
		filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '<?php echo base_url('assets/kcfinder');?>'

Let's try

for the example i create two page. first without session so when we access the upload manager we will get notification that we not authorized to access it. and the second i give session named upload_image_file_manager so when we do the step before we can access kcfinder like upload files and take it to ckeditor textarea

Note !!

work only for Codeigniter 3, if you used Codeigniter 2 you should use native session PHP for authentication