
Qventus Frontend assingment.


  • Access the project deployed here.
  • Access the project document here.

Local execution

1 - Clone the repository
2 - Run npm install
3 - Run npm run dev
4 - Run npm test (If you want to perform unit tests)

Tools used

Applied concepts

How to test

  • At the main page it's all the default passwords requirements.
  • Insert "/example-2" directly in the URL you will see a custom requirements setup.
  • Insert "/example-3" directly in the URL you will see a way to you insert you own requirements.

Project Structure

├── src
│     ├──── public
│     │     └── check-icon.svg
│     │     └── qventus-logo.png
│     │     └── options-icon.tsx
│     │     └── wrong-icon.svg
│     │            
│     ├──── app
|     |      └── components
|     |      |   └── input.spec.tsx
|     |      |   └── input.tsx
|     |      |
|     |      └── example-2
|     |      |   └── page.tsx
|     |      |
|     |      └── example-3
|     |      |   └── page.tsx
|     |      |
|            └── hooks
|                └── use-localstorage.ts
| { ..configs }          
