Rate limit auto-configure for Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul
- 2
Not able to make policy with url_pattern
#525 opened by bhaktigd - 2
How can set the zuul ratelimit filter for group of users other than the user with name xxxx
#522 opened by yangw14 - 11
Query regarding MatchType And breakOnMatch
#517 opened by CasperOm - 10
General Question for better understanding
#506 opened by akshaydk-buku - 13
- 3
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Recent Spring Boot Support?
#495 opened by alecl - 1
Visibility on the usage of Log4j
#482 opened by mahulivishal - 1
Migrate from Travis CI to Circle CI
#480 opened by marcosbarbero - 2
URL Pattern key
#476 opened by adamalexandru4 - 8
Working example using bucket4j
#478 opened by jandresmartinez - 7
How to use JWT token user id as policy key to limit traffic to each user
#430 opened by pradeepkusingh - 4
Rate Limit for List of Users
#454 opened by CasperOm - 6
JDK 8 compatibility
#457 opened by adamalexandru4 - 8
- 3
High Performance degradation happen because of method synchronization
#471 opened by Mohamedfawzy1993 - 2
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Fix Travis-CI Integration
#468 opened by marcosbarbero - 2
url_pattern in v.2.42.0
#461 opened by developer147 - 1
- 9
How to use url_pattern ?
#460 opened by denapucaco - 3
Bucket4J with remote Ignite
#451 opened by BiatBang - 5
how to use it with bucket4j hazelcast?
#447 opened by ssseungzz - 7
Unable to use custom header for ratelimitting.
#449 opened by harshitgoel96 - 4
2.4.2.RELEASE not supposed JDK 8 ?
#445 opened by git-syl - 3
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Limiting rate (Downstream) services.
#435 opened by Gondagar - 2
Compilation failure
#423 opened by farzad-g - 12
How to exclude certain IPAddresses when doing a RateLimit by Origin type
#396 opened by angshuman-agarwal - 24
Public IP address in type origin instead private IP
#413 opened by CasperOm - 4
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Dynamic rate limiting
#410 opened by Jodee90 - 3
Is it possible to use an In Memory Storage
#404 opened by borcas - 11
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Error creating bean with name 'springSecurityFilterChain' defined in class path resource
#357 opened by sharunthomas - 19
Rest API return 500 when exceed limit
#395 opened by fathyelshemy - 2
How do I disable rate limit logs.
#402 opened by jangjungsu - 20
Unable to match serviceId and routeId
#389 opened by ZoraZora59 - 0
Upgrade to Java 11
#387 opened by marcosbarbero - 0
IP Deny List
#385 opened by marcosbarbero - 0
'response-headers' = 'STANDARD' behaves like NONE
#372 opened by vasilaio - 3
Does the project support zuul-core?
#376 opened by isaacchiang - 6
Release 1.7.x branch
#373 opened by lchayoun - 2
How can I disable zuul rate limiter logging
#370 opened by sharunthomas - 0
How do I disable rate limit logs
#369 opened by sharunthomas - 2
RedisRateLimter increment and expire is not atomic operation
#364 opened by VHTK - 1
Rate limit entire application by a single policy
#351 opened by sharunthomas - 2
What is the relation between zuul rate-limiting and hystrix isolation strategy?
#354 opened by esolve - 2
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'Cooldown' period
#346 opened by innocode78