Backup jobs for Databases at Cloud


This repo provides a way to perform full backups on databases running on Cloud, storing them in a Cloud Object Storage instance. Currently PostgreSQL full backups are available.

PostgreSQL backups are available as full backups performed by pg_dump or pg_dumpall utilities. The file name format is:


All files are compressed by default.

If DATABASES variable value is 'all', pg_dumpall is used. Otherwise, pg_dump is used for each table defined in DATABASES variable.


# npm install only once
npm install
node index.js

Common Environment Variables

BACKUP_RUNNER: Backup runner module to execute. Currently only 'postgresql' is supported.

DATABASES: comma-delimited list of databases to perform a backup.

COS_ENDPOINT: Endpoint for your Cloud Object Storage instance (i.e.

COS_APIKEY: Cloud Object Storage API Key to authenticate with. This API Key must have at least Writer permissions for the bucket.

COS_CRN: Cloud Object Storage Instance ID (i.e crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/XXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXX).

COS_\BUCKET_NAME: Bucket name to store your backups.

PAGE_SIZE: Size of sent messages to COS (Default is 5MB).

QUEUE_SIZE: Size of queue of concurrent connections to COS (default is 5).

PostgreSQL Environment Variables

PGHOST: PostgreSQL host name.

PGPORT: PostgreSQL port to connect to.

PGUSER: PostgreSQL user.

PGPASSWORD: PostgreSQL user's password.

PG_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: comma-delimited list of parameters to be passed to PostgreSQL backup command (i.e: -F,custom).