
Second project for COMPSCI5902

Primary LanguageJava


Compile and test

./gradlew build

Compile only

./gradlew assemble


./gradlew test

For those who use Windows, you should run gradlew.bat with the same parameters.

Both IDEA and Eclipse have a plugin for Gradle.

Input/Output Format

You don't need to implement the main method this time. Input is directly fed to the constructor of PageRank.

For example,

new PageRank(5, {1,2,3}, {0,0,0})

means the graph has five vertices, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and three directed edges, 1->0, 2->0, 3->0.

The output should be printed to System.out, in order by vertex index. If vertex 0 has pagerank 0.5, and others have 0.125, the output should be


It should not print anything else to System.out after the result is printed, which means the last size nonempty lines should be the output of your program.


  • With multiple runs, your program should have stable output and stable runtimes.
  • You should not use Thread.sleep as a workaround for synchronization issues.