
Backend API for Web application to visualize and manage graphical representation of work using agile methodologies for agile teams

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Build Status Codacy Badge Codacy Badge


Backend API for cheetah Web application to visualize and manage graphical representation of work using agile methodologies for agile teams

Agile board

Please checkout or Kanban board to follow up the ongoing tasks.

Docker deployment

The minimal setup is:

  • PostgreSQL database with data
  • Cheetah-api running and pointing to the PostgreSQL database

For this, we provide Dockefiles for both services. We will:

  1. Setup configuration file
  2. Build PostgreSQL and cheetah-api Docker images
  3. Create a Docker network to be able to communicate both services
  4. Deploy PostgreSQL and cheetah-api Docker containers

Setup configuration file

Edit ./etc/config.conf file and set parameters

host =
db_host = cheetah_api_postgresql_test

Save the file and let't create the Docker image

Build docker image cheetah-api

From the project dir, run

docker build -t cheetah_api .

Build Docker image PostgreSQL

From ./integration_tests dir, run:

docker build -t cheetah_api_postgresql .

Now we have the images created, let's setup the network and run the containers.

Create Docker network

We need a Docker network to be able to communicate both services.

docker network create cheetah_net

Please note that, if you change here the network name, you have to change it too in the next docker commands.

Run PostgreSQL database as Docker container

We provide a PostgreSQL Dockerfile with test data (See next chapter for this). You can build the image and then run the container.

docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 --net cheetah_net --name cheetah_api_postgresql_test cheetah_api_postgresql

Run cheetah-api as Docker container

We provide a Dockerfile to run cheetah-api service

docker run --rm -p 8081:80 --net cheetah_net --name cheetah-api cheetah_api:latest

Where 8081 is the port in your host and the 80 is the port configured for cheetah-api in etc/config.conf file. Please note that the container name for PostgreSQL service should be set in "db_host" parameter in ./etc/config.conf file.

Testing the Docker environment

From a host, just run:

curl -d '{"authenticate":{"username":"foo","password":"foo"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8081/v1/authenticate

Please note that user "foo" with password "foo" is provided in the PostgreSQL Dockerfile as sample data.

Quick integration tests setup

Setup PosgreSQL database using Docker

  1. Install docker in your system
  2. Run ./integration_tests/docker_up.sh

This will put in place small demo data, like user foo/foo.

Run server

  1. Modify the ./integration_tests/etc/config.conf file updating the port from the port opened in the PosgreSQL docker container
  2. Run
python -m cheetahapi.main -c /path/to/cheetah-api/integration_tests/etc/config.conf

You will get something like

 * Serving Flask app "main" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on http://localhost:8081/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Please see here how to interact with API, the first thing is GET A TOKEN.


To execute the tests and get the report xml file. From the root dir of the project:

nosetests -w tests --with-xunit --with-coverage --cover-package=cheetahapi