⏩ Interest Calculator ⏪

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📖 About

Create, using React, an application that should be able to calculate the appreciation/depreciation of a capital based on a monthly interest rate and time (months), using the compound interest concept.

🛠 Technologies used

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • React
  • Hooks
  • Materialize
  • Node.js


  • Define the elements that will be considered as application state:
    • capital
    • monthly interest rate
    • period
  • These elements will also be inputs of the application.
  • Inputs shall be type number
    • Capital value goes from 0 to 100.000, step of 100
    • Interest rate value goes from -12 to 12, step of 0.1
    • Period value goes from 1 to 36, step of 1
  • Output will be N boxes, being N the number of months, each one containing:
    • total value (amount after appreciation/depreciation of N months)
    • interest (value of appreciation/depreciation)
    • percentage (of appreciation/depreciation over the capital)
  • The interest rate may be positive (appreciation) or negative (depreciation).
  • Research and choose on of the compound interest formulas to implement.
  • Improve interface using Materialize.
  • Implementation shall use functional components and hooks.

🔍Development Tips

Use useEffect hook, with the three inputs as deps, to "watch" their change and recalculate the outputs.

🚀 How to execute the project

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/marcosfreiberger/interest_calculator.git

Enter directory

cd InterestCalculator

Download dependencies

yarn install

Run the server

yarn start

That done, open your browser and go to https://localhost:3000/

Developed with 💙 by Marcos N. Freiberger