
Asaas.com Ruby API Wrapper [WORK IN PROGRESS]

Primary LanguageRuby

Asaas Ruby

Build Status

A biblioteca Asaas Ruby tem provê um acesso a API Rest do asaas.com.br


You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the gem. If you just want to use the package, just run:

gem install asaas-ruby

Para fazer o build da gem

gem build asaas-ruby.gemspec


  • 0.2.24 - Add support to PIX billing type and fills missing CHANGELOG entries
  • 0.2.23 - Add support to Ruby 2.7 and Rails 6.1
  • 0.2.22 - Remove unecessary ActiveSupport version limit
  • 0.2.21 - Add credit fields to Payment
  • 0.2.20 - Adds debug flag to check responses
  • 0.2.19 - Small fixes
  • 0.2.18 - Account documents upload
  • 0.2.17 - Add support to DEPOSIT billing type
  • 0.2.16 - Wallet account tranfers
  • 0.2.15 - Bank account tranfers


  • Ruby 2.3+.


require 'asaas-ruby'

Asaas.setup do |config|
  config.token = 'token'

asaas_client = Asaas::Client.new()

customer = Asaas::Customer.new({name: 'Thiago Diniz', cpfCnpj: '05201932419', email: 'email@example.org'})

charge = Asaas::Payment.new({
  customer: customer.id,
  dueDate: '2019-10-10',
  billingType: 'BOLETO',
  description: "Teste de boleto",
  value: BigDecimal("103.54").to_f,
  postalService: false
