
The purpose of this tool is to test the window10 defender protection and also other antivirus protection.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT



1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To VirusTotal.com Bcz This tool will not work
   with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


VirusTotal Result:



1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable RAT For Windows
2. Impossible To Decrypt Powershell Payload
3. Persistent Reverse Shell
4. Once Victim Execute the Payload And We got Shell Then Victim Can't Remove the payload
   Until the Shell is Open In Attacker System.
5. U can Convert Powershell payload to exe using ps2exe tool in windows.


Don't upload exe format to virustotal as I have already uploaded
Ps payload to virustotal. or u can check this file on nodistribute.com because they
don't submit signatures to antivirus companies.
Reason: They will submit this payload to different AV companies
And as a result this script will not work w.r.t time.


A Fully Undectable Window RAT that bypass window 10 Defender protection and also bypass 99.9% of other antivirus protections.


1. git clone https://github.com/machine1337/window-rat
2. sudo chmod +x exploit.sh


1. sudo bash exploit.sh or sudo zsh exploit.sh
2. Now enter LHOST (your IP or server in which u want to get reverse shell)
3. Now enter LPORT (which port u want to connect)
4. Your payload will be saved in /window-rat/{bypass.ps1} .
5. In Attacker System, use netcat to get the reverse shell like below
6. nc -lvnp {LPORT}

Bonus Tip:

This tool generate powershell payload so in order to convert it into exe format
just use ps2exe tool and then access the victm PC. :)
*) More Features will be added in Future IA.

Usage Type:

1. For WAN ( Use ngrok for that or any Port Forwarding method);
2. For LAN ( Use ur Local IP);

Demo Video:



Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.


Follow me on:
  1. https://instagram.com/invisibleclay100
  2. https://twitter.com/whoami4041
  3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC_aPnmV_zGfdwktCFE9cPQ
  4. https://www.facebook.com/pakhack01