
Ionic 3 app using Epub.js

Primary LanguageHTML


Sample project of how to use Epub.js in an Ionic 3 app.

How Epub.js is integrated

As just natively importing Epub.js after installing it via npm unfortunately doesn't work, I copied over the build directory of the npm package of epubjs from /node_modules/epubjs to /src/assets/epubjs and included epubjs.min.js in index.html. That way the ePub object is globally available and can be used in Typescript after declaring it with declare var ePub: any;.


  • Open books
    • Load and render locally available books from /assets/books
    • Switch between different books
  • Reading UI
    • Tap through pages by using "next" and "previous" buttons
    • Swipe pages to go to next or previous page
    • Tap the page to toggle a reading mode with no UI
    • Display page number the reader is currently on
    • Display total number of pages in book
    • Display chapter title the reader is currently in
  • Table of Contents
    • Show the table of contents of a book
    • Tap chapter to go there
  • Settings
    • Change font size
    • Change background color (and with it text color)
    • UI automatically adapts the toolbar color depending on the chosen background and text color
    • Change font family


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run ionic cordova prepare
  4. Run ionic serve or ionic cordova run android|ios

Information + Resources

Related projects

  • There is a Ionic v1 based "Ionic Reader" that also uses Epub.js. It claims to "fix iOS flickering" and also has additional features "Last location, Go to location, Bookmarks, Highlights"