An engineer in recovery, data geek, and Cyberpunk addicted. Currently, learning SQL and Python, focusing on becoming a Data Engineer.
DGMax InteractiveSão Paulo, Brazil
Pinned Repositories
This repository contains my case study for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Capstone Project. :chart_with_upwards_trend::bar_chart::chart_with_downwards_trend:
Repository containing the projects developed during the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate Specialization. Six in total.
This repository contains my projects and assignments developed during the Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate, offered by META, available on Coursera.
Minhas anotações e segundo projeto do curso Fundamentos de Linguagem Python Para Análise de Dados e Data Science oferecido pela Data Science Academy de forma gratuita.
Projeto de conclusão desenvolvido para a especialização "Google Data Analytics" oferecido pelo Google através da plataforma Coursera.
This repository contains the projects and assignments developed during the Python for Everybody Specialization available on Coursera.
:snake: :snake: This repository contains the projects developed during the 100 Days of Code: Python Bootcamp, created by Professor Dr. Angela Yu and offered through Udemy. :snake: :snake:
This repository contains the projects and assignments developed during the Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis available on Coursera.
This repository contains my projects and assignments developed during the Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization available on Coursera.
A curated list of free courses from reputable universities that meet the requirements of an undergraduate curriculum in Data Science, excluding general education. With projects, supporting materials in an organized structure.
marcoshsq's Repositories
A curated list of free courses from reputable universities that meet the requirements of an undergraduate curriculum in Data Science, excluding general education. With projects, supporting materials in an organized structure.
This repository contains my projects and assignments developed during the Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization available on Coursera.
This repository contains my case study for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Capstone Project. :chart_with_upwards_trend::bar_chart::chart_with_downwards_trend:
Repository containing the projects developed during the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate Specialization. Six in total.
This repository contains my projects and assignments developed during the Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate, offered by META, available on Coursera.
Minhas anotações e segundo projeto do curso Fundamentos de Linguagem Python Para Análise de Dados e Data Science oferecido pela Data Science Academy de forma gratuita.
Projeto de conclusão desenvolvido para a especialização "Google Data Analytics" oferecido pelo Google através da plataforma Coursera.
This repository contains the projects and assignments developed during the Python for Everybody Specialization available on Coursera.
This repository contains the projects and assignments developed during the Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis available on Coursera.
Repositório com os quatro Projetos desenvolvidos durante o "Intensivão de Python" oferecido pela Hashtag Treinamentos em 04/2022.
This is a very special repository!
:snake: :snake: This repository contains the projects developed during the 100 Days of Code: Python Bootcamp, created by Professor Dr. Angela Yu and offered through Udemy. :snake: :snake:
Todos os exercícios resolvidos do curso de Python 3, ministrado pelo prof. Gustavo Guanabara disponível no Curso em Vídeo.
This repository contains the Word Cloud project developed during the first course (Crash Course on Python) of the Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate.
Minhas anotações e projeto do nível introdutório do curso Fundamentos de Linguagem Python Para Análise de Dados e Data Science oferecido pela Data Science Academy de forma gratuita.