
Ansible role to register OpenStack networks, subnets and routers

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OpenStack Networks

This role can be used to register networks, subnets and routers in neutron using the os_network, os_subnet and os_router modules.


The OpenStack neutron API should be accessible from the target host.

Role Variables

os_networks_venv is a path to a directory in which to create a virtualenv.

os_networks_auth_type is an authentication type compatible with the auth_type argument of os_* Ansible modules.

os_networks_auth is a dict containing authentication information compatible with the auth argument of os_* Ansible modules.

os_networks is a list of networks to register. Each item should be a dict containing the following items:

  • name: Name of the neutron network.
  • provider_network_type: Provider type of the neutron network.
  • provider_physical_network: Provider physical network of the neutron network.
  • provider_segmentation_id: Provider segmentation ID of the neutron network.
  • shared: Whether the neutron network is shared.
  • external: Whether the neutron network is external.
  • project: Optionally create this network for a project other than the authenticating project.
  • state: Optional state of the network, default is present.
  • subnets: A list of subnets to create in this network. Each item should be a dict containing the following items:
    • name: Name of the neutron subnet.
    • cidr: CIDR representation of the neutron subnet's IP network.
    • dns_nameservers: A list of DNS nameservers for the subnet.
    • gateway_ip: IP address of the neutron subnet's gateway.
    • enable_dhcp: Whether to enable DHCP on the subnet.
    • allocation_pool_start: Start of the neutron subnet's IP allocation pool.
    • allocation_pool_end: End of the neutron subnet's IP allocation pool.
    • host_routes: A list of classless static routes to supply to hosts connected to this subnet. A list of dicts of destination (destination network in CIDR encoding) and nexthop (router IP on this subnet) must be supplied.
    • ip_version: Optional IP version for the subnet.
    • ipv6_address_mode: Optional IPv6 address mode for the subnet.
    • ipv6_ra_mode: Optional IPv6 router advertisement mode for the subnet.
    • project: Optionally create this subnet for a project other than the authenticating project.
    • state: Optional state of the subnet, default is present.

os_networks_routers is a list of routers to create. Each item should be a dict containing the following items:

  • name: Name of the neutron router.
  • interfaces: List of names of subnets to attach to the router internal interface.
  • network: Unique name or ID of the external gateway network.
  • project: Optionally create this router for a project other than the authenticating project.
  • state: Optional state of the router, default is present.

os_networks_security_groups: List of security groups to create. Each item should be a dict containing the following items:

  • name: Name of the security group.
  • description: Optional description of the security group.
  • project: Optional project in which to register the security group.
  • state: Optional state of the security group, default is present.
  • rules: Optional list of rules to add to the security group. Each item should be a dict containing the following items:
    • direction: Optional direction of the rule, default is ingress.
    • ethertype: Optional Ethertype of the rule, default is IPv4
    • port_range_min: Optional starting port.
    • port_range_max: Optional ending port.
    • protocol: Optional IP protocol of the rule.
    • remote_group: Optional name or ID of the security group to link.
    • remote_ip_prefix: Optional source IP address prefix in CIDR notation.
    • state: Optional state of the rule, default is present.


This role depends on the stackhpc.os-shade role.

Example Playbook

The following playbook registers a neutron network, subnet and router. A classless static route is defined to access another subnet through a different gateway.

- name: Ensure networks, subnets and routers are registered
  hosts: neutron-api
    - role: os-networks
      os_networks_venv: "~/os-networks-venv"
      os_networks_auth_type: "password"
        project_name: <keystone project>
        username: <keystone user>
        password: <keystone password>
        auth_url: <keystone auth URL>
        - name: net1
          provider_network_type: vlan
          provider_physical_network: physnet1
          provider_segmentation_id: 1234
          shared: true
          external: false
            - name: subnet1
                - destination:
        - name: router1
            - subnet1
          network: net1
        - name: secgroup1
            - protocol: icmp

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