
A Terraform provider/provisioner for deploying Kubernetes with kubeadm

Primary LanguageGo

Terraform kubeadm plugin

Build Status

This is a Terraform data definition and provisioner that lets you install Kubernetes on a cluster. The underlying resources could be things like AWS instances, libvirt machines, LXD containers or any other class of object that provides a SSH-like connection. The kubeadm provisioner will run over the SSH connection all the commands necessary for installing Kuberentes in those resources, according to the configuration specified in the data block.


  • Easy deployment of kubernetes clusters in any platform supported by Terraform, just adding our provisioner "kubeadm" in the machines you want to be part of the cluster.
  • Easy scale-up/scale-down of the cluster by just changing the count of your masters or workers.
  • Automatic rolling upgrade of the cluster by just changing the base image of your machines. Terraform will take care of replacing old nodes with upgraded ones...
  • Automatic deployment of CNI drivers and addons like Dashboard, Ingress Controller, etc.

(check the TODO for an updated list of features).


This provider/provisioner is still being actively developed. To see what is left or planned, see the issues list.


  • Terraform

Quick start

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
$ go build -v -o $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-kubeadm \
$ go build -v -o $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provisioner-kubeadm \


Here is an example that will setup Kubernetes in a cluster created with the Terraform libvirt provider:

data "kubeadm" "main" {
  api {
    external = "loadbalancer.external.com"
  cni {
    plugin = "flannel"
  network {
    dns_domain = "my_cluster.local"  
    services = ""
  # install some extras: helm, the dashboard...
  addons {
    helm = "true"
    dashboard = "true"

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "master" {
  name = "master"
  memory = 1024
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${data.kubeadm.main.config}"
    # there is no "join", so this will be the first node in the cluster

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "minion" {
  count      = 3
  name       = "minion${count.index}"
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${data.kubeadm.main.config}"

    # this will make this minion _join_ the cluster started by the "master"
    join = "${libvirt_domain.master.network_interface.0.addresses.0}"

Note well that:

  • all the provisioners must specify the config = ${XXX.config},
  • any other nodes that joins the seeder must specify the join attribute pointing to the <IP/name> they must join.

Now you can see the plan, apply it, and then destroy the infrastructure:

$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ terraform destroy

You can find examples of the privider/provisioner in other environments like OpenStack, LXD, etc. in the examples directory)


Running acceptance tests

You need to define the TF_ACC variables:

export TF_ACC=1
go test ./...



  • Apache 2.0, See LICENSE file