
Track your crossfit progress

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status Coverage Status


Track your crossfit progress

Currently it's just a Rest API that can be used through postman or curl.

How to run it locally

  • You will need Java 8, MySql and Maven installed.
  • Execute mvn clean package && java -jar target/atlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • You can access the application in http://localhost:8080
  • You must complete the application yml with valid values for a database and a twitter appId and appSecret.

Continuous Deployment

On every push to the master branch, a TravisCI job is executed, which runs all the tests, and checks the application coverage reporting it to coveralls.io.
If the tests pass, the application is deployed automatically to Heroku (http://atlas-crossfit.herokuapp.com)


  • To sign up and start using the application you need a twitter account. When you login for the first time, a user profile will be created with your twitter info.
  • To login you have to hit /signin/twitter. That will redirect you to twitter for you to authorize the application to obtain your profile info, and save the user in the application.
  • There's a small script to handle the 'dance' between twitter and the app: /internal/login.sh
  • You must provide your twitter user name as the first parameter of the script. The script will call your locally deployed application: localhost:8080
  • After you sign-in, you will have a x-auth-token header hash, that you will have to use for all calls to the application.


  • There are two resources available through two endpoints: the proposed workouts and the result workouts.
  • A proposed workout represent (as the name states) a proposed WOD. And a result workout represents how the athlete performed in that WOD. To create a result workout you need first a proposed workout.
  • The proposed workouts are public, but the result workout can only be seen by the user that created it.

Available Endpoints

  • All endpoints are secured (except the /session, /signin, /signup). So you must provide a x-auth-token header.

  • /proposedWorkouts:

    • POST: Creates a proposed workout, returning an id.

      • Example Request:
            "exercises": [
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "name": "pullUp",
                "description": "pull up",
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "name": "kettlebellSwing",
                "description": "kettlebell swing",
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
            "type": "FOR_TIME",
            "numberOfRounds": 10,
            "maxAllowedSeconds": 20
      • Example Response:

            "id": "9f8edde8-c456-44d5-a8e4-6a0ff3c7dd70",
            "exercises": [
                "id": "3c1ae8e1-0034-4ae1-9d03-36af4a8288d3",
                "name": "pullUp",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "pull up",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
                "id": "7f2c2b1e-19b6-4b7d-b6b9-a9effdc3937c",
                "name": "kettlebellSwing",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "kettlebell swing",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
            "type": "FOR_TIME",
            "durationInSeconds": null,
            "maxAllowedSeconds": 20,
            "numberOfRounds": 10
      • The workout types are:

        • FOR_TIME
        • AMRAP
      • The exercise types are:

        • REPETITION
        • TIMED
        • DISTANCE
    • PUT: Update a proposed workout: /proposedWorkouts/{proposed-workout-id}

      • Example Request:
            "id": "9f8edde8-c456-44d5-a8e4-6a0ff3c7dd70",
            "exercises": [
                "id": "3c1ae8e1-0034-4ae1-9d03-36af4a8288d3",
                "name": "pullUp",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "pull up updated",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
                "id": "7f2c2b1e-19b6-4b7d-b6b9-a9effdc3937c",
                "name": "kettlebellSwing",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "kettlebell swing",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
            "type": "FOR_TIME",
            "durationInSeconds": null,
            "maxAllowedSeconds": 20,
            "numberOfRounds": 10
      • Response status: 204
    • GET: Returns the proposed workout: /proposedWorkouts/{proposed-workout-id}

      • Example response:
            "id": "9f8edde8-c456-44d5-a8e4-6a0ff3c7dd70",
            "exercises": [
                "id": "3c1ae8e1-0034-4ae1-9d03-36af4a8288d3",
                "name": "pullUp",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "pull up updated",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
                "id": "7f2c2b1e-19b6-4b7d-b6b9-a9effdc3937c",
                "name": "kettlebellSwing",
                "type": "REPETITION",
                "description": "kettlebell swing",
                "maleRxInKilograms": null,
                "femaleRxInKilograms": null,
                "distanceInMeters": null,
                "durationInSeconds": null,
                "numberOfRepetitions": 10
            "type": "FOR_TIME",
            "durationInSeconds": null,
            "maxAllowedSeconds": 20,
            "numberOfRounds": 10
    • DELETE: deletes the proposed workout: /proposedWorkouts/{proposed-workout-id}

      • Response status: 204
  • /resultWorkouts:

    • POST: Creates a result workout associated to a proposed workout, returning an id.

      • Example Request:
              "proposedWorkoutId": "95244aba-ec69-4899-a00d-73c10d743172",
              "rx": true,
              "finished": true,
              "finishTimeInSeconds": "120",
              "comments": "no comment",
              "date": "2015-10-10",
              "resultExercises": [
                      "proposedExerciseId": "a8882dcd-848f-4fd7-bce4-3372022ef4db",
                      "rx": true,
                      "completedRounds": "2",
                      "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": "3",
                      "comments": "comment",
                      "weightInKilograms": "32",
                      "replaceExercise": null
                      "proposedExerciseId": "d65edbc4-10e5-46c4-ada8-863d7ceaa476",
                      "rx": true,
                      "completedRounds": "5",
                      "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": null,
                      "comments": "comment for this",
                      "weightInKilograms": "16",
                      "replaceExercise": null
      • Example Response:
            "id": "d269641d-0e8f-47d2-8628-ab092ccf2484",
            "proposedWorkoutId": "95244aba-ec69-4899-a00d-73c10d743172",
            "rx": true,
            "finished": true,
            "finishTimeInSeconds": 120,
            "resultExercises": [
                "id": "4c4eab18-78dd-44b4-add4-cf3916d945d1",
                "proposedExerciseId": "a8882dcd-848f-4fd7-bce4-3372022ef4db",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 2,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": 3,
                "comments": "comment",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
                "id": "c7c70c8a-212a-47f6-a0f4-56f3e97da834",
                "proposedExerciseId": "d65edbc4-10e5-46c4-ada8-863d7ceaa476",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 5,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": null,
                "comments": "comment for this",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
            "comments": "no comment",
            "date": "2015-10-10"
    • PUT: Update a result workout: /resultWorkouts/{result-workout-id}

      • Example Request:
            "id": "d269641d-0e8f-47d2-8628-ab092ccf2484",
            "proposedWorkoutId": "95244aba-ec69-4899-a00d-73c10d743172",
            "rx": true,
            "finished": true,
            "finishTimeInSeconds": 120,
            "resultExercises": [
                "id": "4c4eab18-78dd-44b4-add4-cf3916d945d1",
                "proposedExerciseId": "a8882dcd-848f-4fd7-bce4-3372022ef4db",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 10,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": 3,
                "comments": "comment",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
                "id": "c7c70c8a-212a-47f6-a0f4-56f3e97da834",
                "proposedExerciseId": "d65edbc4-10e5-46c4-ada8-863d7ceaa476",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 5,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": null,
                "comments": "comment for this",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
            "comments": "no comment",
            "date": "2015-10-10"
      • Response status: 204
    • GET: Returns the resutl workout: /resultWorkouts/{proposed-workout-id}

      • Example response:
            "id": "d269641d-0e8f-47d2-8628-ab092ccf2484",
            "proposedWorkoutId": "95244aba-ec69-4899-a00d-73c10d743172",
            "rx": true,
            "finished": true,
            "finishTimeInSeconds": 120,
            "resultExercises": [
                "id": "4c4eab18-78dd-44b4-add4-cf3916d945d1",
                "proposedExerciseId": "a8882dcd-848f-4fd7-bce4-3372022ef4db",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 10,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": 3,
                "comments": "comment",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
                "id": "c7c70c8a-212a-47f6-a0f4-56f3e97da834",
                "proposedExerciseId": "d65edbc4-10e5-46c4-ada8-863d7ceaa476",
                "rx": true,
                "completedRounds": 5,
                "repetitionsOnUnfinishedRound": null,
                "comments": "comment for this",
                "weightInKilograms": null,
                "replaceExercise": null
            "comments": "no comment",
            "date": "2015-10-10"
    • DELETE: deletes the result workout: /resultWorkouts/{result-workout-id}

      • Response status: 204