
Hi, I'm João Marcos, I'm a 22 years old rustacean from Brazil.

Click here if you're looking for my resume.

Stuff I've been thinking about:

  • Cool CLI tools.
  • Distributed systems.
  • Gamedev.
  • How to build compilers.
  • Competitive programming.


Here are some of my projects:

A great and easy-to-use CLI tool for (de)compressing, with good error messages.
Me and a friend wrote a HTTP server in Rust for fun (90k+ requests per second).
An open-source tool reverse-engineered from the Razer proprietary software. Turned out to be very challenging and fun.
Crate to represent a filesystem tree structure, aims to provide ergonomic ways to create, merge, and compare trees, loading from or into your filesystem.
WIP Dotfiles Manager, Backup tool and Symlink Farm project, inspired by stow, planned to ergonomically help you manage your configuration files with VCS between different systems.
Xorg keylogger to collect metrics about how I type and feed them to keyboard layout comparers.
Blockfrost's Rust SDK.
Published crate.
Learning how to hand-craft interpreters in Rust.
Some of the advanced algorithms I studied for ICPC.
My first ever GitHub project, made when I started learning C.
Personal dotfiles.

Random facts about me

  1. I have 7 cats, in Brazil we say that cats have 7 lives instead of 9. 🐱
  2. I'm (healhtly) addicted to coding. 🙂
  3. My dream is to work on a cool open source text editor or programming language in the future.
  4. If my name were to be translated, I'd be called "John Marks Pear Tree Heifer". 🧐
  5. Aaaand I'd probably beat your ass in table tennis 🏓.

Games I like

A list of programming/engineering games I recommend:

  1. Factorio (factory development).
  2. Logic World (circuits creation).
  3. MHRD (build a computer).
  4. Exapunks (robot scripting).
  5. Shenzhen I/O (assembly).
  6. TIS-100 (very primitive assembly).
  7. Comet 64 (scripting).


If you have anything to talk about, contact me 😎.

Telegram: @marcospb19
Matrix: @marcospb19:matrix.org
Rust-lang's zulip: "João Marcos"
E-mail: marcospb19@hotmail.com