
End-to-end development of a social media mobile app with android support. This is the Android Client. Languages and Technologies: Android, Firebase, JAVA, Google Maps API.

Primary LanguageJava

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PicApp - Android

Languages and Technologies:

Android, Firebase, JAVA, Google Maps API.

The complete project involved the end-to-end development of a social media mobile app with android support. The app is made up of three main parts:

  • A server (Application Server), responsible for connecting the users. It can be found here
  • A server (Shared Server), responsible for administrating the application servers, user authentication, and files handling. It can be found here
  • An Android client to be used by the final users. It can be found here

My personal involvement in the project was on the Android Client and the Shared Server.

Android client

The app provides:

  • Login and Register via Google Account.
  • Main Feed that contains user's posts with location, title description, 4 different reactions to the post, comments section, and support of both video and image. Organized by a vertical scroll view.
  • Friendship relations between users.
  • Chat between users.
  • Personal profile page with views by post or by location in Google Maps.
  • Push notifications.
  • Flash posts of a shorter duration. Organized by a vertical scroll and carousel view.

Demo videos of the main activities can be found in the following links:

Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires