
🃏Joker Smile - This is a Visual Studio Code theme based on Joker style

MIT LicenseMIT

Joker Smile Theme 🃏

This is a Visual Studio Code theme based on Joker's style.

Easy Installation

  1. Open the extensions sidebar on Visual Studio Code
  2. Search for Joker Smile
  3. Click Install to install it.
  4. Click Reload to reload your editor.
  5. Code/File > Preferences > Color Theme > Joker Smile.
  6. 🌟 Rate five-stars.

Alternate Installation

  1. Launch Quick Open using Cmd+P — or — Ctrl+P.
  2. Paste the command ext install marcosvidolin.joker-smile
  3. Click Install to install it.
  4. Click Reload to reload the your editor.
  5. Code/File > Preferences > Color Theme > Joker Smile.
  6. 🌟 Rate five-stars.



I want to thank @ahmadawais for build the shades-of-purple-vscode theme on which I based and @regivaldo for all images and tips about style.
