
phantom for the masses

Primary LanguageGo


Phantom listens on a port and exposes prometheus metrics about requests being posted to it.

The response will always be 200, the body content will be read and ignored.

The service will record into a counter the contents of the X-Forwarded-For header as labels called origin and proxies if available.

The address to listen to, the header to be used as origin and log levels are configurable, see usage below.


# HELP metrics_posts_received_total The total number of received posts for metrics
# TYPE metrics_posts_received_total counter
metrics_posts_received_total{origin="",proxies=""} 1
metrics_posts_received_total{origin="",proxies=""} 1
metrics_posts_received_total{origin="unknown",proxies=""} 1
metrics_posts_received_total{origin="",proxies="",path="hosts."} 1


Usage of ./phantom:
    	print path information
  -header string
    	request address header (default "X-Forwarded-For")
  -listen string
    	ip:port for listening to web requests (default ":7777")
  -log.level string
    	debug, info, warn, error (default "info")


It's useful to identify paths on this very specific use-case where the body of the request is posting JSON arrays.

When Debugging is enabled the metric exposed will include a path label with parsed value from the request body for a JSON format of:

  { "path" : "a.path.for.metric",
    "value" : <ignored>
    "timestamp" : <ignored>

To toggle debugging on and off send a USR1 signal to the running process.

Local Build

go mod download && go build

Docker local build

docker build . -t phantom:local

Docker local run

docker run --rm -p 7777:7777 phanton:local


go test -v
=== RUN   TestHandler
level=debug msg="request received from origin" origin=
--- PASS: TestHandler (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestEmptyBody
--- PASS: TestEmptyBody (0.00s)
ok  	github.com/marcosvm/phantom	0.316s


go test -bench -cpu=1,2,4,8,16,32 -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkPost$ github.com/marcosvm/phantom
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/marcosvm/phantom
BenchmarkPost-10    	 2593036	       464.3 ns/op	    1135 B/op	       7 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/marcosvm/phantom	1.830s

Production and other environments

Please follow the best practices and workflows for building and publishing.