
Trabalho Pratico II do Laboratorio de Linguagens de Programação (2020.2) | Prof. Andrei Rimsa

Eng. Comp. | CEFET_MG

First Qt application in the laboratory of Programming Languages course, the goal was to create a graphical user interface. To spice things up, in order to make use of what the Qt toolkit had offer, we implemented a simple game for the user to interact with and added some textures(just images) for board a pieces. The game's rule(in portuguese), an option to a new game and "about the author" are available as a clickable button in the game's tabs.

How to Play ? There are two phases, the first: each player places thier pieces on the board (alternatingly fashion), then we move on to the second phase: each player on their turn, move its pieces (horizontally or vertically, as indicated when you click your piece) in order to complete a full line(three same pieces), be it either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal one.

the game running

congrats, red player won

About the game:

students = {Marco_Túlio};