
Store riemann events into influxdb

Primary LanguageClojure


An influxdb sink for riemann. This enables riemann to persist events into Influxdb.

Directory structure

riemann-timeseries/ is where the code resides

influxdb/ and riemann/ contain the configuration files and data for both services.

I have included two scripts start-influxdb and start-riemann to help starting the services. They are smart to set everything up, so the initial setup is minimal. You basically just need to run start-influxdb to have a running instance of Influxdb; the same goes for start-riemann.


The first thing to do is to build an uber jar, so cd into riemann-timeseries and run

lein uberjar

When that's done, run start-influxdb first, and then run start-riemann. You can take a look at a look at the script start-riemann and see how I configure the classpath, and riemann/riemann.config to see how to use the store events into Influxdb.

Riemann config

In your riemann.config, you can define a stream like the following:

(let [index (index)
      ;; Location of influxdb and credential
      influxdb-client (i/client :db "riemann"
                                :host "localhost"
                                :port 8086
                                :username "root"
                                :password "root")
      ;; Table to save the metrics to
      influxdb-table-name "all"]

  ; Inbound events will be passed to these streams:


    (->Influxdb influxdb-client influxdb-table-name)

    ; Log expired events.
      (fn [event] (info "expired" event)))))

Create an influxdb database

Remember to create an influxdb database using the influxdb's admin UI. If you are using the above rieman.config, you will need to create a database called riemann. Then, all the data will be saved to table, all, in database riemann.


Copyright © 2014 Marco Yuen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.