
A curated list of awesome projects, libraries, tools, etc. related to VoIP and RTC

awesome-voip-rtc Awesome

A curated list of awesome projects, libraries, tools, etc. related to VoIP and RTC

RTC Projects


SIP Proxies
  • OpenSIPS Open Source SIP proxy/server for voice, video, IM, presence and any other SIP extensions
  • Kamailio Open Source SIP Server (formerly OpenSER)
  • Repro Open-Source Federated SIP Server
RTC B2BUA/Soft-Switches
  • FreeSWITCH Open Source Multi-Protocol, Cross-platform and scalable SoftSwitch
  • Asterisk Framework for building multi-protocol, real-time communications applications and solutions
  • Sems Open Source media and application server for SIP based VoIP services
RTC Gateways
  • Janus Open Source, general purpose, WebRTC gateway
  • cgrateS Open Source, Carrier grade realtime charging
Monitoring Tools
  • SIPCAPTURE VoIP & RTC Capture, Monitoring and Troubleshooting framework, multi-protocol, carrier grade
Testing Tools
  • Sipp Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol.


  • baresip Baresip is a portable and modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
  • linphone Linphone is an open source Voice Over IP phone (or SIP phone)

RTC Stacks & Libraries

  • eXosip - eXtended osip library
  • Libre - Portable SIP Stack under BSD license with IPv4/v6 support (SIP,SDP,RTP/RTCP,STUN,TURN,ICE,DNS)


If you know of any particularly useful project, library, link, blog posts, talks, slides, etc. that belong in this list, please open a pull request!



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