


Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics play an important role

Text Pre-processing

  • Examples: Use it for sentiment analysis
  • What is text? --> It is a sequence of words
  • What is a word? --> Meaningful sequence of characters
  • Tokenization is the process that splits an input sequence into tokens
  • Examples: WhitespaceTokenizer, WordPunctTokenizer, TreebankWordTokenizer (nltk)
  • Stemming is a process to remove/replace suffixes to get the root of the word, the stem
  • Example: Porters stemmer (nltk)
  • Lemmatization is the process of getting the dictionary form of the word
  • Example: WordNet (nltk)
  • Further examples: Normalize capital letters, Acronyms (can be solved by regular expressions)

Transform Tokens into Words

  • n-grams are a bag of words
  • We can have too much n-grams so we have to remove some and keep the mediam frequency n-grams
  • Term frequency (TF) is the frequency for term t
  • Inverse document frequency (IDF) is the total number of documents in the corpus
  • tfidf value can be reached by a high frequency and a low document frequency of the term in collection of documents
  • Why is TF-IDF better than BOW:
    • We do not have to have so many n-grams

Linear Model for sentiment analysis

  • Examples to use: Bag-of-Words of 1-grams with TF-IDF values ---> delivers extremely sparse matrix
  • Better: Logistic regression
  • Event better: Deep Learning

SPAM Filtering

  • Using hasing for feature identification works in practice
  • Personalized feature hashing work best for this tasks
  • Linear models - like bag of words - scale well for production
  • Why doing spam classification for large dataset?
  • Because the simple linear classifier performs better
  • Examples that shows this statement: ad-click prediction

Neural Net for words

  • We create a sparse matrice with bag of words
  • Neural Networks we create a dense representation
  • We take the sum of word3vec vectors, and it can be a good feature!
  • 1D convolution works even better as it analyzes also 2-grams
  • If we need to train a neural network on characters we can use n-grams and 1D convolution
  • For the final architecture we take only 1014 characters and apply 1D convolution and max pooling 6 times
  • Apply Multi-Layer Perceptron on the dataset
  • Deep-models work better for large datasets

Language Models

  • We can use n-grams to estimate the probability of the next word
  • How to decode which model ist better:
  • Extrinsic evaluation: spelling correction etc.
  • Intrinsic evaluation: Hold-out perplexity (we held out data and test the model)

Hidden Markov Model

  • The Problem: Given a sequence of tokens and sequence of labels. Bring them together.
  • Approaches:
  • Rule-based models
  • Seperate label classifiers for each token
  • Sequence models (HMM, MEMM, CRF)
  • Neural Networks
  • Use Hidden Markov Models for this task
  • How to apply the Hidden Markov model to our text?
  • The problem of applying is: what is the most probable sequence of hidden states?
  • Solution: Viterbi decoding

Name Entity recognition

  • Conditional random fields are models that are useful for graph representation
  • For these models, we have to generate features to feed to the model
  • We can use the method label-observation features

Neural Language Models

  • Curse of dimensionality --> If words are threaten through the model seperately
  • Instead: Learn distributed representations for words --> Use Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network

  • Tensorflow tutorial for recurrent neural network
  • Sequence tagging task is a good example for recurrent neural network

Distributional semantics

  • We need this in search to determine the most similar results
  • Using "Positive Pointwise Mutual Information", we know if a word is random or not and if is independent
  • Furthermore with PPMI we get only the value without 0
  • Context are words by a sliding window
  • Matrix factorization
  • Using singular value decomposition (SVD)
  • Word2vec - 2 Arcitectures
  • Continuous Bag-of-words
  • Continuous Skip-gram
  • Wen can build...
  • Word similarities - How can we evaluate the word similarities of word2vec?
    • Human judgement
    • Spearman's correlation
  • Word analogies - How can we evaluate this task?
    • as above
  • Doc2vec (gensim library)
  • We can evaluate it by a test dataset
  • Challenges with word2vec:
  • Can have problems within accuracy, when words are not very similar
  • Has challenges with word analogies
  • Sentence representation
  • Morphology can help to improve word embeddings
  • FastText model is a good example
  • StarSpace tried to build a general approach for learning of words or document embeddings
  • Deep Learning approaches like CNN, RNN (hierachical + sequence)
  • Skip-thought vectors: You want to predict the next sentence, hidden representation is called thought vector

Topic Models

  • Is an alternative way to build vector representation of texts
  • Topics are described with words, It is just a probability distribution
  • Topic Model:
  • PLSA - was developed in 1999
  • How to train PLSA?
  • Using EM Algorithm
  • Zoo of Topic Models:
  • Latend Dirichlet Allocation (most popular topic model)
  • New Path for new topic models is bayesian methods and graphical models
  • Different extensions:
    • Hierachical topic models
    • Dynamic topic models - topics can evolve over time
    • Multilingual topic models

Machine Translation

  • Sources: Europarlament Translations, Book Translations, Wikipedia Translations etc.
  • Problems with data: Noisy, Specific domain, Rare language pairs, not aligend, not enough
  • Evaluation: How to compare two arbitrary translations?
  • BLEU is a popular automatic technique
  • Decouple the translation task into two models: Language model and Translation model
  • Another idea: noisy chanel is the idea of "transforming" the source into the wanted sentence

Word Alignment

  • Using a word alignment matrix to visualize word alignment model

Encoder-decoder attention architecture

  • The task of the encoder is to build a hidden representation of an input
  • Sometimes an encoder is also called thought/context vector
  • Attentino mechanisn, 3 ways to calculate the weights (dot-product, weigths or via a neural network)
  • Attention saves time
  • How to implement conversational bots?
    • What is a chat bot?
      • Goal-oriented vs chit-chat bot

Summarization and Simplification

  • Summarization is a sequence to sequence task
    • Two Types, abstractive and extractive
  • F.ex.: Textsum implementation from Google
  • One of the most advanced model: Point generator network with coverage

Task oriented dialog systems

  • F.ex.: Amazon Alexa etc.
  • "Intends" has to be pre-classified
  • Intend is like a form a user has to fill in
  • Intent classifier:
    • Any model on BOW with n-grams and TF-IDF
    • RNN
    • CNN
  • Slot tagger:
    • Regex
    • Conditional random fields
    • RNN seq2seq
    • CNN seq2BIOseq
    • Any seq2seq with attention
  • We need context to handle multi-turn dialog
    • Using Memory-Networks
    • NLU can be made context aware with memory networks
  • Lexicon utilization in NLU
    • BIOES encoding (Begin, Inside, Outside, End, Single)
    • We convert this tagging into number and use it in LSTM infrastructure

Dialog Manager

  • Uses state tracking to finish user request