
Install Truffle

npm install -g truffle

Create a project

Download a project that is built with truffle

truffle unbox <project_name>

Init a new project

truffle init

Choose an Ethereum Client (For Developing)


Truffle Website - Choosing an Ethereum Client

Compiling contracts

On windows always use truffle.cmd instead of just truffle

truffle compile

##Run Migrations (Deploy contract

truffle migrate


truffle.cmd migrate --network development

"Truffle requires you to have a Migrations contract in order to use the Migrations feature. This contract must contain a specific interface, but you're free to edit this contract at will." Truffle Website - Migrations

Revert Migration

truffle migrate --reset

Create Test

On Windows:

truffle.cmd create test testtesttest

Just leave .cmd away under linux.

Creates a .js file in the test folder with a test stub

Smart Contract Testing