
Gradle plugin for building Swift code for Android

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Swift Android Gradle plugin Maven Central

This plugin integrates Swift Android Toolchain to Gradle


This plugin require Android NDK r21e and Swift Android Toolchain

Plugin lookup NDK and toolchain by environment variables ANDROID_NDK_HOME and SWIFT_ANDROID_HOME or local.properties in project root



Plugin build swift code using SwiftPM so you should define you code inside SwiftPM modules. Root module should be located inside app/src/main/swift. See sample.

Adding plugin to gradle scripts

  1. Add the following to your root build.gradle
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.readdle.android.swift:gradle:1.4.0'
  1. Add the following to your project build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.readdle.android.swift'
  1. Configure build types and arhitecture
buildTypes {
    release {
        debuggable false
        // Build Swift in release mode
        jniDebuggable false
        // all 4 arhitectures
    debug {
        debuggable true
        // Build Swift in debug mode
        jniDebuggable true
        // only 2 arhitectures
        ndk {
            abiFilters = ["arm64-v8a", "x86_64"]
  1. Optionally you can add some extra configuration to your project build.gradle. For example:
swift {
    // helpers to forward flags from Swift Package Manager to Swift Compiler Frontend
    def passToFrontend = ["-Xswiftc", "-Xfrontend", "-Xswiftc"]
    def disableObjcAttr = passToFrontend + "-experimental-disable-objc-attr"
    // Enables swift clean when ./gradlew clean invoked. Default true
    cleanEnabled false 
    // Custom swift flags for debug build
    debug {
        // Set custom preprocessor flags
        extraBuildFlags "-Xswiftc", "-DDEBUG"
        // Disable @objc and dynamic
        extraBuildFlags disableObjcAttr
    // Custom swift flags for release build
    release {
        // enable symbols in relase mode
        extraBuildFlags "-Xswiftc", "-g"
        // Disable @objc and dynamic
        extraBuildFlags disableObjcAttr


In simple cases you can just run ./gradlew assembleDebug and everything will work. If your use swift package manager dependencies with external build process you should firstly invoke ./gradlew swiftInstallDebug

Other SwiftPM to gradle mapping:

Gradle SwiftPM
./gradlew swiftClean swift package clean
./gradlew swiftBuildDebug swift build
./gradlew swiftBuildRelease swift build --configuration release
./gradlew swiftPackageUpdate swift package update


See sample android app.