QtGravatar is a simple Qt-based example command-line tool for generating Gravatar URLs from email addresses.
It uses the official method of creating a valid hash by trimming leading and trailing whitespace characters, forcing all characters to lowercase, creating an MD5 hash from the resulting string and appending this to the Gravatar top-level domain name.
QtGravatar can be built using the Qt SDK. A project file (QtGravatar.pro) is provided for convenience.
Once compiled, the program can be executed directly from the command-line (with suitable execute permissions) using ./QtGravatar <email address>
from the build directory (replacing <email address> with a valid email address), or the executable can be added to your $PATH environment variable and executed using QtGravatar <email address>
A single command-line argument is required comprising a valid email address.
Basic usage example:
[host:~]% QtGravatar doesnotexist@nowhere.com
Would generate the following output:
Profile URL: http://www.gravatar.com/ec19c19358811b5c1dd800990a514187
Avatar URL: http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ec19c19358811b5c1dd800990a514187
QtGravatar is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Feel free to contact me with bug reports, feature requests and general comments by emailing marc.ransome@fidgetbox.co.uk.