These instructions will cover usage information:
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
First of all, you will need to fork and clone the repository.
After it, you should do a make build, and after that a make dev.
DONE! Next thing is to program your amazing website with React.
[!] With make dev docker is used with hot reload, just save your changes and look at localhost:3005
List the different parameters available to your container:
make build
Build, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service. It has a hot reload, so you can program as the same time as you see the changes:
make dev
make devstop
- Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
- docker-compose version 1.28.5, build c4eb3a1f
- create-react-app 3.4.1
- GNU Make 4.2.1