
Export your YouTube subscriptions feed.

Primary LanguagePHP

YouTube Feed Exporter

How to setup (locally)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies via composer install
  3. Run php vendor/bin/homestead make
  4. Run vagrant up
  5. When the box is ready log in to the box via vagrant ssh
  6. Inside the box navigate to /home/vagrant/code
  7. Run cp .env.example .env
  8. Run php artisan key:generate
  9. Run php artisan migrate
  10. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and create a project
  11. Inside the project activate the "YouTube Data API v3"
  12. Create an OAuth-Approval-Screen
    • Add the .../auth/youtube.readonly section
    • Add your email address as a trusted user
  13. Create an API key
    • Save the token to the .env file as YOUTUBE_API_KEY (at the bottom of the file)
  14. Create an OAuth 2.0 client
    • Type: web application
    • Name: "YouTube Feed Exporter" (e.g.)
    • Authorised redirect uris: http://localhost:8000/oauth/youtube/handle
    • Save the client id to the .env file as YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID (at the bottom of the file)
    • Save the client secret to the .env file as YOUTUBE_CLIENT_SECRET (at the bottom of the file)


Navigate to http://localhost:8000/. You'll get redirected to YouTube/Google to authenticate and authorize the app/client you just created. When you're done, you'll get redirected back to http://localhost:8000/ and get your subscriptions as JSON.