View markdown file tree in a fancy web interface with two display modes : github like view and markmap mindmap to have an overview of your files.
1 file -> 2 views 1 directory -> 1 directory summary :
- Viewed in synthetic form, used as a list of tests to be carried out for pentesting.
- Markdown / Asciidoc view, to have complete information.
- Sometimes you have so much data that you're lost because you don't know what's in each file and where to find the information you're looking for. Redview can have the solution with directory summary.
- Create summary at the top of each md file.
- Create md summary file in each directory to link md files together.
- Node JS web server to preview md and asciidoc like in github or you can also add your own style.
- Search feature with search filter on the web server to find specific content in md note.
- Node JS web server to preview md and asciidoc as a mindmap with markmap.
- No internet connexion required
- Format web md/asciidoc preview, markmap, md for obsidian (optimized for graph visualization)
- Use docker !
- Automatic update : if a ressources has been created, modified or deleted, it will be automatically updated for the web interface and the directory summary will also be updated.
- Configuraiton via yaml and .env file 😊
- Preview knowledge notes
- Stay compatible with all markdown based tools used to take note (gitbook, github...)
- Take your note from everywhere, on the web, in vs code, in a notepad or in vi.
- Preview your notes offline
- See your notes as mind map without modification to have a global view. In case of pentest notes, it can be used as a "to be done" view to quickly know what tests have to be done on a specific target.
- Search quickly data in your notes
- Work on large pentest/audit results
- Preview a large amount of data with mindmap
- Search for specific keyword
- View massive md file tree
- same argument as for note preview knowledge preview.
You may found other use case of this project.
But why the new way is better? It seems more complex...
- Because you don't have to install dependancies on your system.
- Because you can put your brain down and just docker-compose.
- And above all because the source directory is mounted read-only, which guarantees that the original content cannot be modified by redview in any way.
When you run the python script a copy of the project is created in the directory provide in argument (/tmp/redview by default). In this new directory, summary are added at the top of each files and directory summary are created for each directory. In addition html file are created for markmap preview.
- New way :
Install docker et docker-compose
- Old way :
Install nodejs, npm and python.
sudo apt install node python3 npm
I have to define depandency to install :/
- New way :
Just use docker and docker-compose.
Create .env file in the redview root directory and add the following variable with the directory path to monitor.
Put your notes in /tmp/notes on your system (not recommended) or modify the docker-compose.yml to change /tmp/note by your working directory. Before the first usage (internet connection required) :
docker-compose build
Start the redview (no internet connection required):
docker-compose up
- Old way :
Redview work on every markdown directory tree. In the redview directory :
python -s <your_md_dir_path>
Then start the nodejs server with :
cd /tmp/redview; node server.js
you can update node package with :
cd /tmp/redview; npm init -y; npm install express showdown fs path dotenv asciidoctor downdoc ; npm audit fix --force ; node server.js
To have the full power of this tool, you should organized your data. To do this, redview use 2 things :
- Organize your files in directory tree, redview will generate a 'directory summary' for each directory.
- In addition you can use tag to sort your titles. This makes it possible to group the various titles present in the directory according to categories defined in config.yaml. In the case of my notes, the categories are used to sort my notes according to when they are to be used in the pentest process (enumeration, exploitation, lateral movement...). To use the tag add it in the following format below a markdown title 1 : #tag:key1,key2. If it's missing, the title will be categorized like the previous one. If the title has no tag and no previous title, it will be categorized with the -1 key, "other" in the case of our configuration.
Example :
A random file :
# Super random title
Super random text.
# Another title
Another text.
# A subtitle
# Last title
Config.yaml :
#Note tags
#This tag can be renamed
- Phase:
"-1" : Others
"0" : Resources
"1" : Enumeration
"2" : Exploitation
"3" : Privesc
"4" : Lateral movement
The result in the directory summary will be :
# Enumeration
1. Super random title
# Exploitation
1. Another title
- A subtitle
2. Last title
# Privesc
1. Another title
- A subtitle
2. Last title
Note : The use of tag is not required. If it is not used all titles will be categorized as "other".
Search feature is for the moment only accessible from the markdown preview interface. It is used to search occurence of string into your directory tree.
There are 3 options for the moment :
>title searchString
Search searchString only in titles.
>here searchString
Search in the directory tree from your position in the markdown preview.
>unique searchString
If found an occurence of searchString in a file return the result and search into the next file.
These options can be used together.
In the /export/web/.env file you can change the css for the web page (may you want to switch to light mode), or add restricted files and directory.
- Search based on tags set in yaml at the the top of md files.
- Update your sql db from your md note and vice versa.
- hacktricks image links
document under construction...