
Automatically ban lurker chatbots in your Twitch channel

Primary LanguagePython


Extremely simple script that will automatically ban all lurker Twitch bots that add up into your viewer list on Twitch but do absolutely nothing (except spamming).

Bot list to ban is extracted from Twitch Insights API.


Clone the project, install requirements as usual:

git clone git@github.com:marcsances/no-more-twitch-bots.git
cd no-more-twitch-bots
python -m pip install requirements.txt

Register a chatbot app on Twitch Developers, get the client ID.

Get a bot token here https://twitchapps.com/tmi/. Make sure to log in as a user with mod privileges in your channel. No need to be yourself.

Go to main.py and edit the variables in uppercase:

Variable Value
USERNAME The username for which you generated a token
CHANNEL The channel where the bans should be applied
CLIENT_ID The chatbot app client ID generated on Twitch Devleopers
TOKEN The bot token you created on the second link
WHITELIST List of bots that should not be banned (moobot, etc)
DEBUG Set to true if you want to see what is going on through IRC
THRESHOLD Minimum amount of channels where the bot is present to be banned

That's it, once configured, run with:

python main.py

and enjoy

Rolling back

You can rollback all the bans by changing line 42 from self.ban(entry[0]) to self.unban(entry[0]).



Yeah all bots are taken into account. It would actually take half a year to ban every single bot (threshold=0), that's why Threshold is a thing.

Stuck on initializing

Try again, sometimes IRC just fails to initialize

(Insert important bot name) here got banned

Add it to the whitelist so it's not banned anymore. Make sure that you add all your bots to the whitelist before proceeding.

Unban the bot in your channel and no worries.


Do whatever.