
Main API for building Java based trading/risk/marketdata applications.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


main api for trading/risk/marketdata etc

Example mains:

  1. Turn any of your code into an http server see main in: com.billybyte.clientserver.httpserver.HttpCsvQueryServer

  2. Turn any of your code into a WebService, and build java clients that can consume your web service: com.billybyte.clientserver.webserver.RunTestWebServiceServer com.billybyte.clientserver.webserver.RunTestWebServiceClient

  3. Examples of using lots of different math libraries (org.apache.commons.math3, Jama, org.paukov.combinatorics, etc): com.billybyte.mathstuff.MathStuff

  4. Java Mongo wrappers to facilate accessing mongo dbs using java: com.billybyte.mongo.MongoWrapper com.billybyte.mongo.MongoXml for easily turning any pojo into a mongo doc that can be stored in a mongodb

  5. Using Neodatis in memory sql db: com.billybyte.neodatis

  6. Example of using Spring to launch instantiate java classes form Spring Beans xml files com.billybyte.spring.BeansLaunch

  7. MessageBox routine for modal and non-modal Message Boxes with and without Swing com.billybyte.ui

DerivativeSetEngine stuff: DeriviativeSetEngine allows you to compute prices and greeks for exchange traded commodity options using the following syntax (from com.billybyte.ds.debunddles.RunGreeks): (see the sh script mvnexecRunGreeks.sh, where you can append an arg of 1,2,3,4,5 or 6)

example bash: sh mvnexecRunGreeks.sh 3

static final void example1_getPrices(){
	// com.billybyte.dse.outputs.OptPriceDerSen is a class that defines the "sensitivity" price
	//   Other basic sensitivities are (all in com.billybyte.dse.outputs):
	// 		DeltaDerSen (delta)
	// 		GammaDerSen (gamma)
	// 		ThetaDerSen (theta)
	// 		VegaDerSen (vega)
	// 		RhoDerSen (rho)
	//  There are other more complicated sensitivities, and you can
	//    roll your own by extending com.billybyte.dse.outputs.AbstractSensitivityType
	DerivativeSensitivityTypeInterface sense = new OptPriceDerSen();
	// The static method getShortNameSet() gets a java.util.Set<String> of
	//   strings like: 
	//    NG.FUT.NYMEX.USD.201601 (for NGF16), 
	//    ON.FOP.NYMEX.USD.201601.C.3.250 (for the Jan16 3.250 call on NGF16, 
	//			where "ON" is one of the NYMEX option symbols for NG), 
	//    IBM.OPT.SMART.USD.C.20170120.C.170.00 (IBM 170.00 call expiring on 01/20/2017 - 
	//			see: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=IBM150619C00170000)
	// The shortName convention is 
	//	<symbol>.<type>.<exchange>.<currency>.<yearmonth>.<C or P>.<strike price>
	Set<String> shortNameSet = getShortNameSet();
	// Get one of the pre-packaged DerivativeSetEngine instances from 
	//   com.billybyte.dse.debundles.DerivativeSetEngineBuilder
	DerivativeSetEngine dse = DerivativeSetEngineBuilder.dseForStocksUsingYahoo();
	// Get the option prices for all of these shortNames
	Map<String, DerivativeReturn[]> dseResults = 
			dse.getSensitivity(sense, shortNameSet);
	// getSensitivity returns Arrays of type com.billybyte.dse.DerivativeReturn
	for(String shortName : dseResults.keySet()){
		DerivativeReturn dr = dseResults.get(shortName)[0];
		printDr(shortName, dr, sense);
