
Numeral Systems of the World's Languages, Chan's Original

Primary LanguageHTML

CLDF dataset derived from Chan's "Numeral Systems of the World's Languages." from 2019

Cite the source dataset as

Chan, Eugene (eds.) 2019. Numeral Systems of the World's Languages. https://mpi-lingweb.shh.mpg.de/numeral - accessed: 2019-09-30

Available online at https://mpi-lingweb.shh.mpg.de/numeral

Conceptlists in Concepticon:


This CLDF dataset is an automated extraction of Chan's "Numeral Systems of the World's Languages" data. A manually curated CLDF version is under https://github.com/numeralbank/numerals available.


Build Status Glottolog: 99% Concepticon: 100% Source: 100%

  • Varieties: 5,332
  • Concepts: 100
  • Lexemes: 187,742
  • Sources: 1
  • Synonymy: 1.10

Possible Improvements:


Name GitHub user Description Role
Eugene Chan study design, data collection and data maintainer DataCollector, Author
Hans-Jörg Bibiko @Bibiko patron, code, helped with data collection DataCollector, DataCurator, Maintainer
Christoph Rzymski @chrzyki helped with code Maintainer, Other
Robert Forkel @xrotwang helped with code and project structure Other